github ZQuestClassic/ZQuestClassic 3.0.0-prerelease.40+2024-02-15
3.0 Prerelease 40 2024-02-15

pre-release4 months ago

To download this release, visit the ZQuest Classic website or see the bottom of this page.

The following are the changes since 3.0.0-prerelease.39+2024-02-13:



  • export/import strings to .tsv text file 13e56e789

    Allows for exporting strings to a spreadsheet, text editor, or other program for modification, then importing them back to ZC.

    The first row of the .tsv (tab separated values) file are the column names, followed by an example row to designate where the first three lines begin and end for each string (but you can add more lines than that).

    For best results in a spreadsheet, "Freeze" the first two rows and use a monospace font for the "message" column.


Bug Fixes


  • fix sideview sprites becoming unable to jump when on the ground 2a500a0d1
  • compat rule for old sprite jump behavior 1d95049f9


  • use original qst for combo rotator replay b093e59c6

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