What's Changed
- feat: encrypt the password and save it, and add a visible hidden password control (6027d27 ffc98e1)
- feat: adapt to openai api and support custom models (eda2750 a9355c1 #9)
- feat: adapt gemini api (9ac9420) I am trying to be the agent for this project, and it feels pretty good (@gemini-proxy)
- feat: add font modification function (98e62f6 #12)
- feat: adapt to silent ocr (fe749a0 @Suggestion from Bilibili users)
- perf: optimize the password box watermark (70a0e76)
- fix(notifyicon): Fix the issue of the context menu of the tray program not dynamically refreshing the theme (b75438f)
- fix(hotkey): fix the bug that causes conflicts in the display of the screenshot shortcut key (fe749a0 @Feedback from niche software users)
- fix(updater): the progress bar on the download page was invalid (6f61b5d)
- chore: notifyIcon show admin msg (0caa3c9)
- chore: update paddleocrshparp version to 4.1.0 (514cf5c @paddleocrsharp)
Full Changelog: