github XmacsLabs/mogan v1.0.2
Mogan v1.0.2: May the force be with you!

latest releases: v1.2.7, v1.2.7-rc5, v1.2.7-rc4...
2 years ago

Download and CHECK!!!

Downloads available below in the Assets part, please check the MD5 digest.

What MD5
Window 64bit 51472060d97ee93e91a14956aeda1f14
Windows 32bit b1e3b60ac23af9aa4e13cc9ce323eda7
macOS >= 10.14 f3d9a251f3b881fedb012d1efc5551b6

What is GNU TeXmacs


Major Changes

  • Brand new icon
  • Help -> Mogan will load the remote TeXmacs document
  • Major bug fixes
    • LaTeX import and export
    • \choice typesetting when the language is CJK
    • foldable gnuplot session


  • Ms Lu from China Academy of Art created the new icon
  • Gitee User jade reported the LaTeX import/export with a minimum reproducer
  • Two New Members' (@YiqiXu and @PikachuHy ) Contribution
  • Help from an anonymous researcher from Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tips for existing Mogan users

If you are prompted with a error dialogue when clicking Help -> Mogan, you can fix it manually by yourself.

  • For Windows user, follow the guide on 如何在Windows中重置GNU TeXmacs?, and do not forget to use the Mogan specificed TEXMACS_HOME_PATH: %appdata%/Xmacs
  • For GNU/Linux and macOS user, just rm -rf $HOME/.Xmacs/system/

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