- Convert the submersion-state, the contact-state and the occupancy-status property to the binary_sensor entity. #905
- suittc.airrtc.wk168 mode descriptions are set to strings of numbers from 1 to 16. #921
- Do not set _attr_suggested_display_precision when the spec.expr is set in spec_modify.yaml #929
- Set "unknown event msg" log to info level.
- hhcc.plantmonitor.v1 soil moisture and soil ec icon and unit. #927
- cuco.plug.cp2 voltage and power value ratio.
- cgllc.airmonitor.s1 unit ppb.
- roswan.waterpuri.lte01 tds unit.
- lumi.relay.c2acn01 power consumption unit
- xiaomi.bhf_light.s1 fan level of ventilation.