- Improved data region format to optimize disk efficiency [Note: This update is irreversible and your chunk data will be updated to the new format]
- Use bukkit world names as command suggestions
- Automatical data saving when running /save-all or when the world save itself
- Automatical pruning useless data
- Fixed the issue that world data not saved in 1.17 due to persistent data container not existing
- Added "regex" mode for world match rules
- Fixed compatibility with FabledSkyBlock
- Now command completion would only return the refered world if "sync-seasons" is enabled
- Fixed compatibility with HuskClaims
- Further fix with worlds on 1.17 servers
- Make scheduler work on Folia region schedulers when reading vanilla block data
- Fixed an issue with "convert-on-load" option
- Fixed the bug that item detection order not worked as intended
- Fixed the bug that vanilla item can't be detected as seeds