github XenitAB/go-oidc-middleware v0.0.19

latest releases: oidcgin/v0.0.32, oidcechojwt/v0.0.32, oidchttp/v0.0.32...
2 years ago

What's Changed

Most likely a breaking change

The PR #110 moves the different routers into their own separate packages. This means a lot of logic needs to be updated to make sure the tooling around (like coverage) works as expected.

This is most likely a breaking change and when released, and will probably force other modules/programs that use this library to update on their side. I have never done this, which means I'm not sure.

Sorry for that, but I will try to get it working and please create an issue if you see any obvious problems.

This fixes #98

Full Changelog: v0.0.18...v0.0.19

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