github Xanashi/Icaros v3.3.1
Icaros 3.3.1

latest releases: v3.3.3b1, v3.3.2
10 months ago

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Here is the final release of 3.3.1.
It's not a huge release, but there have been a handful of bug fixes since the last Beta release.
I will post the changelog between the last beta and this release in the discussion thread below.

With that said, I have been working quite a lot since the last release, on some of the new formats
that has yet to be included in Icaros. Hopefully I can include them soon in a new Beta release.

As always thank you all so much for the donations, bug hunting and help with the translations! ❤️

I hope you all enjoy the new release!

Icaros releases

Icaros v.3.3.1 Final

  • Added MKV tag parser - MKV tags can now be viewed in File Explorer
  • Added ID3v2 tag support in WAV parser
  • Added PSD property support
  • Added TGA property support
  • Added DDS property support
  • Added and improved several properties in most audio property filetypes (BPM, Rating, Initial Key, Bitrate and more)
  • Added support for AVIF files in CBX files
  • Added M4V as a valid property filetype
  • Added missing properties in File Explorer for Matroska and MOV/MP4
  • Improved parsing of huge values in Property Handler
  • Fixed the Icaros Cache being locked by File Explorer and IcarosConfig
  • Fixed rare bug where the Icaros Cache locked itself
  • Fixed several drag 'n drop issues in IcarosConfig
  • Fixed thumbnail rotation of files with a displaymatrix property
  • Fixed the Cache Indexer not working on Active Directory systems (Thank you Funky D! ^__^)
  • Fixed WEBP not working in Firefox (Requires deactivating, then reactivating the Properties in Icaros)
  • Fixed cover parsing in MKV files with WEBP or GIF covers embedded
  • Fixed Icaros setting an invalid default Cache location on some systems
  • Fixed Rating property not being read correctly from ID3v2 tags
  • Updated .NET Framework to 4.6
  • Added German installer localization (Thank you Klaus Luppert! ^__^)
  • Updated German localization (Thank you Klaus Luppert! ^__^)
  • Updated Greek localization (Thank you Thunderstrike116! ^__^)
  • Updated Italian localization (Thank you bovirus! ^__^)
  • Updated Russian localization (Thank you Ligre! ^__^)
  • Updated FFmpeg
  • Lots of small fixes and improvements

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