github XRPLF/rippled 1.7.3
rippled (XRP Ledger server) Version 1.7.3

latest releases: 2.2.0-rc3, 2.2.0-rc2, 2.2.0-rc1...
2 years ago

Version 1.7.3

This is the 1.7.3 release of rippled, the reference implementation of the XRP Ledger protocol. This release addresses an OOB memory read identified by Guido Vranken, as well as an unrelated issue identified by the Ripple C++ team that could result in incorrect use of SLEs. Additionally, this version also introduces the NegativeUNL amendment, which corresponds to the feature which was introduced with the 1.6.0 release.

Action Required

If you operate an XRP Ledger server, then you should upgrade to version 1.7.3 at your earliest convenience to mitigate the issues addressed in this hotfix. If a sufficient majority of servers on the network upgrade, the NegativeUNL amendment may gain a majority, at which point a two week activation countdown will begin. If the NegativeUNL amendment activates, servers running versions of rippled prior to 1.7.3 will become amendment blocked.

Bug Fixes

Improve SLE usage in check cashing: Fixes a situation which could result in the incorrect use of SLEs.
Address OOB in base58 decoder: Corrects a technical flaw that could allow an out-of-bounds memory read in the Base58 decoder.
Add NegativeUNL as a supported amendment: Introduces an amendment for the Negative UNL feature introduced in rippled 1.6.0.

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