github WowUp/WowUp v2.1.0-beta.11
Release v2.1.0-beta.11

latest releases: v2.12.1-beta.2, v2.12.1-beta.1, v2.12.0...
pre-release3 years ago

Italian locale updates (Bito)
Russian locale updates (Medok)
Add a spinner to loading of changelogs
Add beta support for Hub addons
Improve bold fonts on addon changelog/summary
Improve the addon ID display in details
Improve Hub support for changelogs and classic
Improve changelog support for different channels
Improve Import by URL error dialogs
Fix some color issues
Fix an issue with Hub addons showing the wrong icon
Fix an issue with zoom factor not being properly restored between runs
Fix an issue where the app is in a weird state when manually removing all clients
Revert some changes to the window restore code
Use new ico file on Mac
Update to latest Electron

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