github WordPress/gutenberg v8.0.0

latest releases: v18.7.0, @wordpress/widgets@4.0.4, @wordpress/reusable-blocks@5.0.4...
4 years ago


  • Add subscript and superscript formatting options. (21819)
  • Move the Block Patterns UI to the inserter. (20951)
  • Improve layout and usability of code editor. (21643)


  • Add inserter previews to more blocks. (21740)
  • Performance improvements:
    • Import from individual react-dates component. (21914)
    • Upgrade showdown Markdown processor library. (21862)
  • Allow title and button-based appender to inherit styles. (21749)
  • Output float clearing for all centered blocks. (21608)
  • Update 'Welcome Guide' illustrations. (21515)

New APIs

  • A new Block Context API has been partially implemented, currently limited to block settings and editor APIs. PHP APIs will be implemented in the next plugin releases. (21467, 21868, 21921)
  • Add new "G2"-styled icons to the Icons package. (21209)

Bug Fixes

  • Change wp_make_content_images_responsive to wp_filter_content_tags to resolve warnings in WordPress 5.5-alpha. (21514)
  • Collapse selection to end after link insertion. (17126)
  • Fix selected category on existing Latest Posts blocks. (21359)
  • Fix overlapping column contents for embeds. (21570)
  • Fix focus styling for date picker calendar days. (21600)
  • NPM Packages
    • Fix "Cannot find module '../utils'" error. (21609)
    • Types: Hide element, primitives, icons declarations. (21613, 21784)
  • Inherit font styles in block appender placeholder. (21725)
  • Allow default pasting behavior in FontSizePicker. (21812)
  • Prevent negative custom text sizes. (21815)
  • Fix image center alignment behavior. (21911)
  • Fix centered buttons margins. (21947)
  • Revert the button block to the previous markup. (21923)
  • Avoid using inline RichText element for navigation link. (21856)
  • Ensure resetEditorBlocks is synchronous. (21839)
  • Fix the button outline style for the old button markup. (21816)
  • Fix default attribute on audio preload. (21735)
  • Fix gradient picker double-click bug. (21732)
  • Fix broken links in handbook. (21686)
  • Make useMediaQuery return the correct value on the first render. (21682)
  • Fix visual issue on windows with 782px. (21661)
  • Allow wrapping for Navigation block links. (21632)
  • Remove redundant margins from the columns block. (21615)
  • Fix media Text padding on inner blocks. (21612)
  • Restore floated image margins. (21500)
  • Fix URL display for scheduled posts. (21410)
  • Test keycode modifiers for keyboard event as exclusive set. (20733)
  • Fix focus loss for Guide "Finish" button in Internet Explorer. (20599)
  • Replace incorrect Snackbar label attribute with aria-label. (20540)


  • Add experimental useEditorFeature hook to simplify access to editor features. (21646)
  • Navigation menu page:
    • Try a fixed toolbar in the navigation page. (21340)
    • Fix panel collapsing in navigation page. (21633)
    • Fix mobile layout for navigation menu page. (21638)
    • Delete empty spaces in menu REST API endpoint strings. (21453)
  • Edit site:
    • Add current theme to template switcher. (21578, 21768)
    • Declare attributes for Template Part block in block.json. (21796)
    • Update end-to-end test for multi-entity saving in site editor. (21363)
    • Add preview options component. (21309)
    • Improve template parts resolution and saving behavior. (21766)
    • Support REST API meta queries. (21851)
    • Add extra validation when loading template parts. (21636)
  • Block directory:
    • Add InserterPanel around block directory results. (21748)
  • Widgets:
    • Fix legacy widgets z-index issue. (21586)
    • Fix legacy widgets visual issues. (21585)


  • Add deprecation notice to useApiFetch hook. (21723)

Code Quality

  • Remove nested breakpoint in fullscreen mode CSS. (21496)
  • Update npm-package-json-lint from 4.0.3 to 5.0.0. (21597)
  • Update npm dependencies that warn. (21596)
  • Fix license check script to ignore sub-dependencies of ignored packages. (21606)
  • Package TypeScript types improvements:
    • Mark addQueryArgs arguments parameter as optional. (21926)
    • Relax i18n sprintf arguments type. (21919)
  • Update PHPCS to latest version. (21680)
  • Unify how editor alignments are applied across blocks. (21822)
  • Remove obsolete editor alignment classes. (21906)
  • Remove old icons. (21821)
  • Implement block.json for blocks. (21794, 21783, 21782, 21775, 21787, 21774, 21792)
  • Use register_block_type_from_metadata in Latest Posts block. (21788)
  • Polish RSS block code. (21773)
  • Move camelCaseDash to the package where it is consumed. (21736)
  • Improve URLPopover code from review comments. (21621)


  • Remove duplicate sentence in glossary documentation. (21565)
  • Update wp-env docs to reflect current functionality of package. (21809)
  • Extract Block Transforms into its own handbook page. (21734)
  • Update the index of Block API to reflect current contents. (21726)
  • Clarify attribute type documentation. (21694)
  • Add location for components style.css. (21654)
  • Fix the JSDoc return type for getEntityRecords. (21630)
  • Update triage links to new document. (21629)
  • Update Getting Started instructions for remote server. (21625)
  • Update the "patterns" to reflect "user interface" instead. (21562)
  • Create document for contributing with triage. (21350)
  • Update to add more clarity and relevant links. (21802)

Project Management

  • Update bug report template to help identify the editor version. (21564)


  • End-to-end tests:
    • Add test for template part block creation and insertion. (21849)
    • Add test that template part block customizations are loaded from slug and theme attributes. (21852)
    • Fix tests by removing unnecessary assertions and properly install dependencies in @wordpress/api-fetch. (21780)
    • Add end-to-end test for pinned sidebar items. (21652)
    • Add test which verifies reusable block after refresh. (20605)
  • Update cleanForSlug() to remove additional non-word characters. (21007)
  • @wordpress/scripts:
    • Support debugging with test-unit-js. (21631, 21861)
    • Install Chromium on demand together with test-e2e script. (20215)
  • @wordpress/create-block block scaffold tool:
    • Make it easier to provide most popular CLI options. (21751)
    • Split JavaScript source files into parts for ESNext template. (21750)
  • @wordpress/env development environment:
    • Expose port 3306 of MySQL container. (21545)
  • @wordpress/eslint-plugin:
    • Add the recommended Prettier config to enforce WP coding styles. (21602)
    • Fix no-unused-vars-before-return JSX identifier reference. (21358)
  • Navigation block:
    • Revert changes to data fetching mechanics. (21721)
  • Bundle the block autocompleter in the block-editor package. (21534)
  • Storybook:
    • Add FormToggle component. (18085)
  • Simplify Reusable Block description. (21470)
  • Build tooling:
    • Install Composer dependencies as pre-lint step. (21537)
    • Configure Webpack to watch only build files. (21489)
    • Exit with non-zero status on docgen failed parse. (21690)

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