github WordPress/gutenberg v4.1.0

latest releases: v18.7.1, v18.7.0, @wordpress/widgets@4.0.4...
5 years ago
  • Implement a block navigation system that allows selecting child or parent blocks within nested blocks (like folder path traversal) as well as functioning as a general fast navigation system when a root block is selected.
  • Add a Media & Text block that can facilitate the creation of split column content and allows the split to be resizable.
  • Show block style selector in the block inspector.
  • Rename Cover Image to just Cover and add support for video backgrounds.
  • Add a new accessible Date Picker. This was months in the works.
  • Reimplement the Color Picker component to greatly improve keyboard navigation and screenreader operations.
  • Add style variation for Table block with stripe design.
  • Add “Options” modal to toggle on/off the different document panels.
  • Allow toggling visibility of registered meta-boxes from the “Options” modal.
  • Handle cases where a block is on the page but the block is not registered by showing a dialog with the available options.
  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 5.0.
  • When pasting single lines of text, treat them as inline text.
  • Add ability to insert images from URL directly in the Image block.
  • Make Columns block responsive.
  • Make responsive embeds a theme option.
  • Add direction attribute / LTR button to the Paragraph block.
  • Display accurate updated and publish notices based on post type.
  • Update buttons in the editor header area to improve consistency (save, revert to draft, etc).
  • Avoid horizontal writing flow navigation in native inputs.
  • Move toggle buttons to the left of their control handle.
  • Add explicit bottom margin to figure elements (like image and embed).
  • Allow transforming a Pullquote to a Quote and viceversa.
  • Allow block inserter to search for blocks by typing their category.
  • Add a label to the URL field in the Publishing Flow panel.
  • Use the stored date format in settings for the LatestPosts block.
  • Remove the placeholder text and use visible label instead in TokenField.
  • Add translator comment for “View” menu label.
  • Make YouTube embed classes consistent between front-end and back-end.
  • Take into account citation when transforming a Quote to a Paragraph.
  • Restore ⌘A’s “select all blocks” behaviour.
  • Allow themes to disable custom font size functionality.
  • Make missing custom font sizes labels translatable.
  • Ensure cite is string when merging quote.
  • Defer fetching non-hierarchical terms in FlatTermSelector.
  • Move the theme support data previously exposed at the REST API index into a read-only theme controller for the active theme.
  • Detect oEmbed responses where the oEmbed provider is missing.
  • Use “Save as Pending” when the Pending checkbox is active.
  • Use the post type’s REST controller class as autosave parent controller.
  • Use post type labels in PostFeaturedImage component.
  • Enforce text color within inline boundaries to ensure contrast and legibility.
  • Add self-closing tag support (like path element) when comparing HTML.
  • Make sure autocomplete triggers are regex safe.
  • Silence PHP errors on REST API responses.
  • Show permalink label as bold text.
  • Change the block renderer controller endpoint and namespace from /gutenberg/v1/block-renderer/ to /wp/v2/block-renderer/.
  • Hide “edit image” toolbar buttons when no image is selected.
  • Hide “Add to Reusable Blocks” action when ‘core/block’ is disabled.
  • Handle blocks passing null as RichText value.
  • Improve validation for attribute names in rich-text toHTMLString.
  • Allow to globally overwrite defined colors in PanelColorSettings.
  • Fix regressions with Button block preview display.
  • Fix issue with color picker not appearing on mobile.
  • Fix publish buttons with long text.
  • Fix link to manifest file in contributing file.
  • Fix demo content crash on malformed URL.
  • Fix issue in docs manifest.
  • Fix media caption processing with the new RichText structure.
  • Fix problem with Gallery losing assigned columns when alignments are applied.
  • Fix an issue where the Categories block would always use the center class alignment regardless of what was set.
  • Fix scroll issue on small viewports.
  • Fix formatting in getEditorSettings docs and update getTokenSettings docs.
  • Fix padding in block validation modal.
  • Fix extra instances of old rich text value source.
  • Fix issue with adding links from the auto-completer.
  • Fix outdated docs for RichText.
  • Fix pre-publish panel overflow issue.
  • Fix missing styles for medium and huge font size classes.
  • Fix autocomplete keyboard navigation in link popover.
  • Fix a text selection exception in Safari.
  • Fix WordPress embed URL resolution and embeds as reusable blocks.
  • Avoid triggering a redirect when creating a new Table block.
  • Only use rich text value internally to the RichText component.
  • Ensure multiline prop is either “p” or “li” in RichText.
  • Do not use dangerouslySetInnerHTML with i18n string.
  • Account for null value in redux-routine createRuntime.
  • Extract link container from RichText.
  • Allow default_title, default_content, and default_excerpt filters to function as expected.
  • Replace gutenberg in classNames with block-editor.
  • Restore the order of actions usually fired in edit-form-advanced.php.
  • Update REST Search controller to use ‘wp/v2’ namespace.
  • Improve keyboard shortcuts section in FAQ.
  • Change all occurrences of ‘new window’ to ‘new tab’.
  • Conditionally load PHP classes in preparation for inclusion in core.
  • Update rich-text source mentions in docs.
  • Deprecate PanelColor components.
  • Use mock response for demo test if Vimeo is down.
  • Adding a bit more verbosity to the install script instructions.
  • Document isDefault option for block styles.
  • Update docs for new REST API namespace.
  • Update shortcut docs with new block navigation menu shortcut.
  • Further improve Release docs.
  • Updated custom icon documentation links.
  • Add all available script handles to documentation.
  • Add wp-polyfill to
  • Add e2e tests for List and Quote transformations.
  • Fail CI build if local changes exist.
  • Attempt to always use the latest version of nvm.
  • Add bare handling for lint-js script.
  • Add support for Webpack bundle analyzer.
  • Improve setup of Lerna.
  • Update clipboard dependency to at least 2.0.1.
  • Recreate the demo content post as an e2e test using keyboard commands.
  • Add mobile SVG compatibility for SVG block icons.
  • Fix className style in SVG primitive.
  • Split Paragraph and Heading blocks on enter.KEY. Refactor block splitting code on paragraph and heading blocks.
  • Add caption support for image block.
  • Rename PHP functions to prevent conflict with core
  • Fix some typos
  • Improve the Toggle Control elements DOM order for better accessibility
  • Set correct media type for video poster image and manage focus properly.
  • Implement fetchAllMiddleware to handle per_page=-1 through pagination in wp.apiFetch
  • Fix Slash autocomplete: Support non-Latin inputs
  • Add WordPress logo animation for preview

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