github WordPress/gutenberg v18.2.0-rc.1
18.2.0 RC1

latest releases: @wordpress/wordcount@4.2.0, @wordpress/widgets@4.2.0, @wordpress/warning@3.2.0...
pre-release2 months ago



Site Editor

  • Add rename and trash actions to page panel. (60232)
  • Adjust frame animation profile. (60589)
  • Animate the radius of the frame. (60415)
  • Create router adapter for sidebar. (60466)
  • Improve the header animation. (60408)
  • Index view for Templates & Parts: Use grid layout as default. (60069)
  • Pages: Display content frame in mobile when canvas is not edit. (60409)
  • Simplify template reset language. (60256)
  • Template parts in patterns page: Add author field. (60372)
  • Template parts: Set backpath to patterns page. (60667)
  • Update hub markup and animation. (60410)
  • Update site hub action positioning. (60511)


  • CustomSelectControlV2: Support disabled in item types. (60896)
  • ExternalLink: Replace icon with unicode arrow. (60255)
  • InputBase: Simplify focus styles. (60226)
  • ProgressBar: Moved width to css var for perf. (60388)
  • SlotFill: Replace valtio with custom ObservableMap. (60879)
  • Tabs: Fallback to first enabled tab if no active tab Id. (60681)
  • Text: Add text-wrap: Pretty. (60164)
  • Try: Reduce checkbox size in data views. (60475)

Post Editor

  • Confirm dialog: Use more descriptive text for the confirm button. (60364)
  • Editor: Add wordcount and reading time info in post card. (60672)
  • Editor: Animate opening and closing editor right sidebar. (60561)
  • Editor: Animate the inserter and list view panels. (60665)
  • Editor: Update post URL component. (60632)
  • Editor: Use the 'ConfirmDialog' component in template validation notice. (60385)
  • Enable template preview in post editor for non administrators. (60447)
  • Support insert before/after keyboard shortcuts when focus is within the list view. (60651)
  • Update publish flow. (60456)


  • Add a "All Template Parts" section. (60775)
  • Back Compat: Add Patterns submenu for WordPress 6.4. (60804)
  • Patterns page: Add edit & view revision actions to parts. (60659)
  • Remove "Template parts" sidebar group. (60359)
  • Site Editor: Support starter patterns. (60745)

Synced Patterns

  • Adjust allow pattern overrides UX flow. (60769)
  • Consolidate "bound block" color and "synced" colors. (60617)
  • Improve override indication for editable blocks in synced patterns. (60599)
  • Refine rename flow for blocks with overrides. (60234)

Zoom Out

  • Adjust block selection button. (60348)
  • Animation: Avoid fixed width when animating the secondary sidebar. (60693)
  • Introduce section container selection when assembling patterns (zoom out mode). (59249)
  • Update zoom out scale. (60618)

Block Library

  • Add loading state on image upload in featured image, Site logo and Cover blocks. (59519)
  • File: Use HTML API to update the PDF preview label. (60494)
  • Navigation block: Add current-menu-item class for post type archive. (57808)
  • Remove block renaming control from advanced inspector controls group. (60453)

Data Views

  • Add ability to display fields as a badge in grid layout. (60284)
  • Data views table row: Make checkboxes and actions visible on touch devices. (60829)
  • DataViews: Make the experiment about custom views. (60813)


  • Add a Row control to grid layout in manual mode. (60652)
  • Apply negative margins for alignfull children of blocks with custom padding set. (60716)
  • Try reducing specificity of layout style selectors. (60228)

Block Editor

  • Remove animation from InlineLinkUI. (60575)
  • Remove root appender. (60697)
  • Try: Add new textAlign block support. (59531)

Global Styles

  • Background image: Display default background size value in global styles. (60490)
  • Background UI control labels. (60264)
  • Use text and button background color for color indicators. (59514)

Font Library

  • Change Spinner to ProgressBar component. (60570)

Interactivity API

  • Include preact/debug when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled. (60514)

New APIs


  • Editor: Support PluginPostStatusInfo Slot in the site editor. (60814)
  • Editor: Unify PluginMoreMenuItem API between post and site editors. (60778)
    • Fix: Use core instead of core/editor on normalizeComplementaryAreaScope. (60821)
  • Editor: Unify PluginSidebarMoreMenuItem. (60853)
  • Editor: Unify the PluginSidebar slot between post and site editors. (60815)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix: Add types to useSuspenseSelect. (60733)
  • Fix experimental useHasRecursion deprecation. (60451)
  • Fix translatable string in pagination modal. (60742)
  • Interactivity: Return useMemo and useCallback hooks. (60474)
  • Only show block icon in toolbar for contentOnly blocks when block is a synced block. (60647)
  • Patterns: Guard for unknown pattern in server-side resolver. (60464)
  • Snackbar: Make the explicitDismiss string translatable. (60368)
  • Update standardisation of 'Navigation Menu' to have both words capitalised in user-facing menus. (60262)
    • Standardise capitalisation of Navigation Menu in sidebar. (60527)

Block Library

  • Embed: Avoid retrying valid URLs. (60655)
  • File: Mark update for setting default label as non-persistent. (60492)
  • Fix don't close overlay menu when focus leaves submenu. (60406)
  • Fix pattern block recursion handling. (60452)
  • Image: Fix cropper resize on align change (react-easy-crop upgrade). (60581)
  • Latest Posts: Remove wrapper div and apply consistent class. (60728)
  • List: Disable edit as HTML support. (55656)
  • Media & Text: Hide the alt text option for featured images. (60496)
  • Post title: Re-add the paragraph level (without UI). (60548)
  • Pullquote: Reduce specificity of padding rule to avoid conflicts with global styles. (60649)
  • Separator block: Reduce default border styles to avoid conflicts with global styles. (60740)

Site Editor

  • Chore: Fix missing comma on welcome guide styles. (60596)
  • Fallback to URL when site title is empty. (60885)
  • Fix activating a theme in site editor when previewing. (60699)
  • Fix site icon animation. (60419)
  • Fix small regression on the resize handle. (60427)
  • Fix the removePropertyFromObject function throws an error if the object is null. (60831)
  • Fix: Style issue on page actions button. (60592)
  • Pattern page: Fix deps for onActionPerformed useCallback. (60784)
  • Remove outdated border radius animation. (60454)
  • Router: Load proper sidebar for /wp_template. (60850)
  • [Site Editor]: Fix ability to edit trashed pages. (60236)

Post Editor

  • Editor: Do not render publish time and post status panels in design post types. (60857)
  • Editor: Fix post status label styles for low-capability users. (60854)
  • Fix display of shortcut to add non breaking space in the post editor. (60625)
  • Fix: Action button alignment on details panel. (60773)
  • Fix: Action order is different from inspector and dataviews. (60877)
  • Fix: Do not show pattern and template actions on the post editor. (60568)
  • Fix: Missing items parameter and or missing onActionPerformed calls. (60753)
  • Fix: Trash Post action and permanently delete post action do not show errors on single item. (60597)
  • Post Editor Header: Make block toolbar toggle button focus visible. (59781)

Block Editor

  • Avoid errors when a block variation icon is an object. (60766)
  • Fix external link indicator in Link Control. (60439)
  • Fix for isPossibleTransformForSource handling selecting inexistent block. (59410)
  • Fix stuck dragging mode in UI in Firefox when dealing with deeply nested lists. (60845)
  • Prevents delete key from undoing automatic changes. (60858)
  • Raw Handling - msListIgnore - Check attributes are valid. (60375)

Data Views

  • DataViews: Fix typing in combobox filter. (60819)
  • Fix default layout configuration in pages list. (60407)
  • Fix pattern titles. (60640)

Zoom Out

  • Don't allow shuffle for locked patterns. (60381)
  • Prevent exiting Zoom Out mode from stealing focus. (60441)
  • Respect reduced motion when engaging zoom out mode. (60808)

Font Library

  • Avoid overriding custom settings on font library save. (60438)
  • Fix modal scrollbar. (60641)
  • I18N: Add context to 'Library' string. (60520)


  • Fix link control link preview when it displays long URLs. (60890)
  • ProgressBar: Fix CSS variable with invalid value. (60576)


  • Always add semantic classes. (60668)
  • Don't output base flow and constrained layout rules on themes without theme.json. (60764)
  • Restore classic auto margin rule to its previous specificity. (60802)

Interactivity API

  • Allow multiple event handlers for the same type with data-wp-on. (60661)
  • Update the query block to permit non-core interactive blocks. (60006)

Templates API

  • Fix static posts page setting resolved template. (60608)
  • Fix: Honor 'template_hierarchy' filters on template fallbacks. (60377)

Distraction Free

  • Only show inserter in document tools if DFM is off. (60426)
  • Remove alpha from edit post header. (60431)


  • Fix PHP notice triggered by 'gutenberg_update_initial_settings'. (60862)

Global Styles

  • Editor styles: Delete duplicate backwards compat CSS custom properties. (60400)
  • Fix browser warning regarding highlight colors. (60555)


  • Details Block: remove overflow:Hidden style. (60270)
  • Do not render pattern aria description if not button is rendered. (60653)
  • Fix inserter pattern pagination focus loss. (60620)
  • Make sure Social icons links aren't empty and improve UI clarity. (60047)


  • Add null check to prevent errors in get_block_template filter. (60491)
  • Block preview: Build in async rendering. (60425)
  • Editor canvas: Reduces resize listeners. (60682)
  • Layout support: Avoid two block editor store subs. (60612)
  • Optimize the rendering of the EditorStyles component. (60493)
  • Post Title: Avoid accidental types requests. (60531)
  • Preview: Skip rendering rich text. (60544)
  • Previews: Avoid unneeded block selectors. (60543)
  • Site Editor: Close the editor sidebar by default. (60820)
  • Zoom-out: Scale should be stable function. (60580)
  • getEntityRecords: Batch actions. (60591)

Block Library

  • Avoid calling getBlocks selector for navigation link blocks. (60458)
  • Image cropper: Remove clientWidth prop with useResizeObserver. (60674)
  • Navigation block: Avoid selector + style recalc on mount. (60572)
  • Pattern block: Avoid fetching all reusable blocks on mount. (60310)
  • Post Featured Image: Optimize store subscriptions. (60770)

Site Editor

  • Optimize the AddTemplate component used in data views pages. (60586)
  • Sidebar slide animation: Replace motion.div with CSS animation. (60849)


  • Add AutosaveMonitor component JSDoc and populate README with auto-gen documentation. (60882)
  • Add documentation for disableLineBreaks property of RichText. (56284)
  • Added Documentation for PostExcerptCheck. (60864)
  • Added links to related components. (60726)
  • Correct link to the theme json reference. (60517)
  • DimensionControl: Fix story configuration. (60703)
  • Docs: Fix typos in interactivity API reference. (60870)
  • Docs: Update wording in Block Editor Handbook to reflect that all examples now use JSX. (56315)
  • Fix: Grammar typo on packages/dataviews/src/search-widget.js. (60588)
  • Fix: Link to the block building tutorial. (60518)
  • Fixes a link to the getEntityRecord documentation. (60823)
  • Improve documentation for block variation isActive property. (60801)
  • Update: Hardcoded documentation link to a branch that does not exist. (60671)
  • Update: Reference editor scope instead of edit-site, edit-post on interface package documentation. (60818)
  • [Create Block] Adding documentation for the transformer property. (60445)

Code Quality

  • Added @return after @global in php doc. (60611)
  • Blocks: Remove client-side polyfill for 'selectors'. (60846)
  • [Block Bindings] Don't use hooks. (60724)
  • Chore: Fix: Wrong JSDOC for an action return. (60786)
  • Chore: Simplify some CSS margin rules. (60816)
  • Editor: Serve as a proxy for the interface package. (60748)
  • Editor: Unify the auto-switch sidebars behavior. (60869)
  • Editor: Unify the keyboard shortcuts modal. (60866)
  • Editor: Unify the names of the sidebars between edit post and edit site. (60856)
  • Editor: Unify the preferences modal name. (60871)
  • Fix: Remove unused CSS for TemplatePartHint. (60852)
  • Fix: Remove unused css from page panels styles. (60774)
  • Fix: Font Library typo. (60751)
  • Fix: Remove unused CSS code from the site editor. (60662)
  • Interactivity API refactor to TypeScript (utils & kebabToCamelCase). (60149)
  • Reexport createSelector from data package. (60370)
  • Refactor: UseBlockTools cleanup. (59450)
  • Remove comment that no longer applies about appearance-tools support. (60844)
  • Reuse and unify post and page actions, accross the different use cases. (60486)
  • Test: Validate block & theme json. (57374)
  • Tests: Shard JS unit tests. (60045)
  • Tests: Share JavaScript build assets across PHP workflows. (60428)
  • Update: Avoid two useSelect calls on PostActions. (60752)
  • Update: Make content locking related selectors private. (60827)
  • Update: Move template actions to the editor store. (60395)
  • Update: Remove keyCode usage from dataviews package. (60585)
  • Update: Use util getVariationClassName instead of computing the variation inline. (60664)


  • Deprecate reduceMotion util. (60839)
  • Navigation: Soft deprecate component. (59182)
  • NavigatorProvider: Move the same-location check to the goTo function. (60767)
  • ObservableMap: Optimize unsubscribe and add unit tests. (60892)
  • Remove CSS hack for Internet Explorer 11. (60727)

Post Editor

  • Editor: Optimize the 'PostSlug' component. (60422)
  • Editor: Use hook instead of HoC in 'ThemeSupportCheck'. (60807)
  • Editor: Use hooks instead of HoCs in 'PostTrashCheck'. (60380)
  • [Editor]:Get post content in PostContentInfo component. (60743)

Data Views

  • DataViews: Remove onDetailsChange event. (60387)
  • Rename displayAsColumnFields to columnFields API. (60504)
  • Simplify visually hidden label. (60835)

Block Editor

  • Refactor Link UI States. (59762)
  • Switching pattern categories inserter to Tabs component with arrow key navigation. (60257)


  • Update @talldan in codeowners file, remove from edit-widgets package. (60800)


  • Add end-to-end test for activating themes in site editor. (60707)
  • Automated Testing: Update end-to-end test npm commands. (60376)
  • Fix flaky Site Editor URL navigation end-to-end test. (60675)
  • PHP unit test workflow: Try removing 7.0 and 7.1. (60686)
  • Perf: Improve way we measure template loading by adding posts. (60516)
  • Performance Tests: I'm tired of doing head math 😊. (60509)
  • Upgrade Playwright to v1.43. (60635)
  • tip: Remove unecessary delay in tests except where needed. (60897)

Build Tooling

  • Dependencies: Upgrade babel. (57311)
  • Upgrade simple-git dependency. (59915)
  • Update Typescript to 5.4.5. (60793)

First time contributors

The following PRs were merged by first time contributors:

  • @asheshmagar: Font library: Fix typo. (60751)
  • @DaniGuardiola: ProgressBar: Moved width to css var for perf. (60388)
  • @garridinsi: Interactivity API refactor to TypeScript (utils & kebabToCamelCase). (60149)
  • @xhemals: Update standardisation of 'Navigation Menu' to have both words capitalised in user-facing menus. (60262), Standardise capitalisation of Navigation Menu in sidebar. (60527)


The following contributors merged PRs in this release:

@aaronrobertshaw @afercia @andrewserong @arthur791004 @artpi @asheshmagar @atachibana @carolinan @colinduwe @colorful-tones @DaniGuardiola @DAreRodz @draganescu @ellatrix @fabiankaegy @flexseth @garridinsi @geriux @getdave @ixkaito @jameskoster @jasmussen @jeryj @johnhooks @jorgefilipecosta @jsnajdr @kevin940726 @Mamaduka @matiasbenedetto @mhkuu @mikachan @mirka @noisysocks @ntsekouras @oandregal @ocean90 @okmttdhr @prajapatisagar @ramonjd @richtabor @ryanwelcher @scruffian @shail-mehta @shimotmk @simonhammes @sirreal @Soean @sunil25393 @t-hamano @talldan @tellthemachines @tyxla @xhemals @youknowriad

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