github WordPress/gutenberg v15.9.0

latest releases: v18.7.1, v18.7.0, @wordpress/widgets@4.0.4...
13 months ago



Block Library

  • Add block variations transformation in block switcher. (50139)
  • Code block: Add wide align support. (50710)
  • Post Title edit: Adjust the logic, so it avoids unnecessary OPTIONS requests. (49839)
  • Pattern block: Add experimental flag and syncStatus attrib to allow testing of partial syncing. (50533)
  • Pattern block: Add slug as classname to pattern block wrapper. (50641)
  • Removes the Post Content block from the inserter in the post editor. (50620)
  • Navigation: Handle empty menus in Navigation Browse Mode. (50870)
  • Navigation: browse mode list all Navigation Menus. (50840)
  • Navigation: remove all edit functionality in Browse Mode. (50788)
  • Navigation: Use the ListView in the Navigation block inspector controls. (49417)
  • Navigation: Respect showAppender when there are no items in list view. (50711)

Command Tool

  • Command tool available without the experimental flag. (50781)
  • Add contextual commands. (50543)
  • Marks the commands APIs as public. (50691)
  • Update the document title in the site editor to open the command tool. (50369)


  • Add an outline when the color picker select box is focused. (50609)
  • Button: Update disabled state to be without background. (50496)
  • Update tooltip colors. (50792)

Site Editor

  • Editor canvas container: Include resizeable iframe in component. (50682)
  • Snackbar: Make sure only one template deleted displays at once. (50625)
  • Snackbar: Simplify the template revert. (50626)
  • Update the add template menu. (50595)
  • Browse Mode: Add snackbar notices. (50794)
  • Site Editor navigation: Add corresponding area icon to template part menu items. (50791)
  • Update frame resizing. (49910)
  • Always show the Styles navigation item. (50573)
  • Sort template parts by type in navigation screen. (50841)
  • Site editor: Update custom post types with _edit_link. (50563)

Interactivity API

  • Image: Add lightbox using directives. (50373)
  • File: Add experimental integration with Interactivity API. (50377)
  • Support negation operator in selectors. (50732)

Block Editor

  • Add lang and dir attributes to text-formatting tools. (49985)
  • Use bdo element when defining the language of some text. (50632)
  • Block inserter: Improve alignment of block inserter search and close icons. (50439)
  • Show visual cue when dragging over empty group block. (50826)
  • Add ability to prevent editing blocks using useBlockEditingMode(). (50643)
  • Remove unwrap from transforms and add ungroup to more blocks. (50385)
  • Add new API to allow inserter items to be prioritised. (50510)
  • Integrate prioritizedInserterBlocks API to slash inserter. (50658)

Global Styles

  • Custom CSS: Force display of in custom css input boxes to LTR. (50768)
  • Styles Navigation Screen: Add Style Book. (50566)

Data Layer

  • Data: Improve hasResolvingSelectors redux metadata selector. (50865)

List View

  • Remove fade in/out animation for block settings menu icon button. (50823)

Full Site Editing

  • Template editing: Improve revert notices. (50302)
  • Template pattern modal: Remove internal modal classnames. (50655)
  • Library: Rename template parts to library. (50769)


  • Modals: Update the Cancel action's button design. (50544)
  • Writing flow: Improve keyboard navigation on certain input types. (43667)


  • Add new HeadingLevel icons. (50856)
  • Smaller external link icon. (50728)

Bug Fixes

Block Library

  • Ensure multiple pattern blocks with the same slug each create unique blocks. (50629)
  • Fix inconsistent Link UI in Nav block list view editor. (50774)
  • Pattern block: Update frontend render code to match the new version of syncStatus attrib. (50646)
  • Revert "Browse Mode: Add snackbar notices (#50794)". (50937)
  • Update rel and title labels for navigation and submenu links. (50214)
  • Social Link: Remove block on DELETE if empty URL. (50903)
  • Social Link: Add color classes so icon colors correctly reflect changes in Global Styles. (51020)
  • Navigation: Duplicate LeafMoreMenu into the navigation block and the global sidebar navigation. (50489)
  • Post Comments From: Prevent hidden input fields from being focusable in Safari. (50834)
  • Image: Improve the image block lightbox translations, labelling, and escaping. (50962)


  • Fix Multiple Tooltips from Focus Toolbar Shortcut on Site Editor. (50349)
  • Fix accessibility issues navigation block experiment. (50786)
  • Fix accessibility of the Classic block modal dialog. (50384)
  • Fix labelling, description, and focus style of the block transform to pattern previews. (50577)
  • ToggleGroupControl: Fix focus and selected style to support Windows High Contrast mode. (50785)

Global Styles

  • Add back the global styles logic that forces the solid border when color or width applied. (50498)
  • Dimensions Panel: Fix resetting of axial spacing controls. (50654)
  • Global Styles: Enable deep linking to the selected block only in the Blocks screen. (50708)
  • Global styles revisions: Highlight currently-loaded revision. (50725)
  • Better error message when theme.json styles use a duotone preset not in settings. (50714)
  • Fix custom duotone filters in frontend. (50678)

Command Tool

  • Command tool: Fix contextual commands selectors. (50829)
  • Command tool: Add searchLabel property to commands. (50663)


  • Add transparent outline to input control BackdropUI focus style. (50772)
  • Update border and focus style of the Input selector in ColorPicker Component. (50703)

Site Editor

  • Fix custom template creation regression. (50797)
  • Remove the loader from sidebar navigation screen. (50326)
  • Update site editor sidebar alignment. (50561)
  • Fix useEditedEntityRecord() loading state. (50730)
  • Fix width of Template Parts view. (50836)
  • Process template part shortcodes before blocks. (50801)
  • Convert device type margin styles into non-shorthand syntax. (50441)
  • Browse mode Navigation: Fix broken submenu items. (50551)

Inspector Controls

  • Template revisions: Require 2 revisions before showing the revisions UI. (50762)

Block Editor

  • List block: Fix merging nested list into paragraph. (50634)
  • Add grab cursor style for Block mover drag handle button. (50808)
  • Fix gutenberg_get_block_editor_settings overriding other hooks. (50760)
  • Iframe: Use src instead of srcDoc. (50875)
  • Don't use global 'select' in the Behaviors controls component. (51028)
  • Lightbox UI appearing with interactivity experiment disabled. (51025)
  • Move "No Behaviors" to be the first option in the list of behaviors. (50979)
  • Revert "Browse Mode: Add snackbar notices. (50937)

Rich Text

  • File block: Fix editing of empty file name. (50607)

List View

  • Ensure settings menu is visible when focused. (50572)


  • Navigation: Fix warning when stretch justification is used. (50568)


  • Fix release performance tests. (50699)


  • Library: Revert description change until new grid view lands. (51039)


Block Library

  • Nav block: Improve loading UX by preloading Navigation menu requests. (48683)
  • Inner blocks: Reduce tree depth to improve performance. (50447)

Site Editor

  • Edit Site: Optimize loading useSelect call. (50546)



  • Add new experimental version of DropdownMenu. (49473)
  • Behaviors UI. (49972)


  • Add link for more details about block variations' example. (50909)
  • Components: Back-add changelog for TypeScript types. (50881)
  • Add parent and experimental status to the core block reference. (48269)
  • Fix syntax highlighting of curating the editor experience guide. (50902)
  • Minor updates to theme.json schema pages. (50742)
  • Update PHP docblock for WP_Theme_JSON_Gutenberg::Get_property_value. (50527)
  • Mobile app: Fix change log typo. (50737)
  • Icons: Update to include a link to the documentation. (50606)

Code Quality

Block Library

  • Cover: Unlock private APIs outside of the component. (50686)
  • Fix column block category. (46048)
  • Freeform: Move modal styles to the correct file. (50858)
  • Navigation: Remove the check for draft navigation menus from the UnsavedInnerBlocks component. (49161)
  • Navigation: Unlock private APIs outside of the component. (50509)
  • Remove OffCanvasEditor. (50705)
  • Comments: Replace get_comments() with get_comments_number(). (50798)
  • Lodash: Remove from Gallery block. (50591)
  • Lodash: Remove from Image block. (50592)
  • Lodash: Remove from Latest Posts block. (50593)
  • Lodash: Remove from Media & Text block. (50587)
  • Lodash: Remove from template part block. (50586)
  • Lodash: Remove unnecessary mock from Buttons tests. (50588)

Block Editor

  • Block Editor: Remove unused 'useIsDimensionsSupportValid' method. (50735)
  • Block styles: Remove unused prop from inserter preview component. (50622)

Post Editor

  • Edit Post: Unlock useShouldContextualToolbarShow outside of the component. (50612)
  • FlatTermSelector: Fix the 'useSelect' missing dependency. (50872)

Site Editor

  • Use the keyboard shortcuts package for the title bar. (50873)
  • Simplify variation selectors. (50687)
  • Unlock private APIs outside of the component. (50534)
  • Remove unused 'NavigateToLink' component. (50908)
  • Move gutenberg_get_remote_theme_patterns. (50597)

Interactivity API

  • Polish experimental navigation block. (50670)


  • DropdownMenu: Refactor to TypeScript. (50187)

npm Packages

  • chore: Update memize to v2. (50172)

Global Styles

  • Global styles revisions: Remove unused private var. (50763)
  • Introduce prepend_to_selector() to avoid additional if checks and follow single responsibility principle. (50266)
  • Move gutenberg_get_global_styles function. (50596)



  • Combine frontend navigation Page list block tests into one test to speed up end-to-end tests. (50681)
  • Command tool: Enable end-to-end tests. (50833)
  • Create pages before navigation tests requiring link control to find page results. (50680)
  • Enable iframe-inline-styles end-to-end test. (50548)
  • Fix coding-standards issues. (50656)
  • Fix flaky media inserter drag-and-dropping end-to-end test. (50740)
  • Fix flaky template revert end-to-end tests. (50851)
  • In CI, verify that PHPunit is actually running. (50442)
  • Migrate Cover Block tests to Playwright. (45784)
  • Remove redundant calls to disable the Styles welcome guide. (50871)
  • Remove unintentionally added test artifact. (50795)
  • Revert "Enqueue the registered assets (#50185)". (50537)
  • Mobile - end-to-end test - Update code to use the new navigateUp helper. (50736)
  • Playwright Utils: Use 'set' to disable the Styles welcome guide. (50852)

Build Tooling

  • DateTime: Remove deprecated props (and fix static analysis action in trunk). (50724)
  • Update runtime test field in WebPack configuration to support Windows. (50727)
  • Removed gutenberg Directory Name Expectation. (50894)
  • Reworked run Command Parsing. (50559)


  • Add t-hamano as codeowner for env package. (50817)
  • Check .wp-env.json For Unknown Options. (50642)
  • Expanded wp-env Lifecycle Scripts. (50570)
  • Fixed wp-env start On Windows. (50895)
  • Add @ObliviousHarmony to wp-env codeowners. (50530)

First time contributors

The following PRs were merged by first time contributors:

  • @bacoords: Update to include a link to the documentation. (50606)
  • @falgunihdesai: Update border and focus style of the Input selector in ColorPicker Component. (50703)
  • @kmanijak: Adjust the logic of Post Title edit, so it avoids unnecessary OPTIONS requests. (49839)
  • @kutsu123: Add grab cursor style for Block mover drag handle button. (50808)
  • @megane9988: Add an outline when the color picker select box is focused. (50609)
  • @SaxonF: Update site editor sidebar alignment. (50561)
  • @worldomonation: Migrate Cover Block tests to Playwright. (45784)


The following contributors merged PRs in this release:

@aaronrobertshaw @afercia @ajlende @andrewserong @antpb @aristath @artemiomorales @bacoords @carolinan @chad1008 @ciampo @dcalhoun @derekblank @ellatrix @fabiankaegy @falgunihdesai @felixarntz @fluiddot @geriux @getdave @glendaviesnz @gziolo @jameskoster @jasmussen @jeryj @jhnstn @johnhooks @juanfra @kevin940726 @kmanijak @kutsu123 @MaggieCabrera @Mamaduka @mboynes @mburridge @megane9988 @michalczaplinski @mirka @n2erjo00 @noahtallen @noisysocks @ntsekouras @oandregal @ObliviousHarmony @ramonjd @richtabor @samnajian @SantosGuillamot @SaxonF @scruffian @shimotmk @SiobhyB @t-hamano @talldan @tyxla @worldomonation @WunderBart @youknowriad

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