github WordPress/gutenberg v14.1.0-rc.1
14.1.0 RC1

latest releases: v18.7.1, v18.7.0, @wordpress/widgets@4.0.4...
pre-release22 months ago



Block Library

  • Add select icon for Navigation Block's menu button. (43674)

Full Site Editing

  • Add a zoomed out view to the site editor. (41156)


Design Tools

  • Add padding and margin support to the gallery block. (43965)
  • Archives: Add typography support. (43935)
  • Avatar: Add padding support. (43519)
  • Buttons: Add typography supports to button/s blocks. (43934)
  • Calendar: Add typography supports (except text-decoration). (43969)
  • Categories List: Add spacing support. (43647)
  • Comment Date: Add spacing support. (43656)
  • Comment Edit Link: Add spacing support. (43657)
  • Comment Reply Link: Add spacing support. (43658)
  • Heading: Add missing typography support. (44003)
  • Home Link: Add typography support. (43307)
  • Latest Posts: Add typography supports. (43540)
  • List: Add missing typography block supports. (43311)
  • Navigation Link: Add typography support. (44005)
  • Post Content: Add typography supports. (43339)
  • Post Excerpt: Add missing typography supports. (43341)
  • Query No Results: Add typography supports. (43551)
  • Query Pagination Next: Add missing typography supports. (43555)
  • Query Pagination Numbers: Add missing typography supports. (43559)
  • Query Pagination Previous: Add missing typography supports. (43556)
  • Query Pagination: Add typography support. (43552)
  • Query Title: Add missing typography supports. (43565)
  • Quote: Add missing typography supports. (43567)
  • Search block: Add typography supports. (43499)
  • Site Logo: Add padding and margin support. (43520)
  • Site Title and Tagline: Add text decoration support. (43972)
  • Social Icons: Add missing padding support, update margin support. (43885)
  • Table: Add missing typography supports. (43974)
  • Term Description: Add missing typography supports. (43568)
  • Verse: Add missing typography supports. (43569)

Block Library

  • Add: Content role to relevant audio block attributes. (44037)
  • Audio: Display upload error notices using snackbars. (43891)
  • Code: Add transformation to Paragraph. (43938)
  • Columns: Add axial block spacing to Columns block (alternate attempt). (44101)
  • Comments block (legacy mode): Update warning message wording. (43527)
  • Cover Block: Keep the inner contents in a physical direction even in RTL languages. (43663)
  • Create classic navigation menus as draft and dirty the site editor. (43580)
  • File: Display upload error notices using snackbars. (43893)
  • Gallery: Display upload error notices using snackbars. (43946)
  • Image: Display transformation error notice using snackbars. (44031)
  • Improves the UX of menu management in the navigation block. (42987)
  • Mark which attributes of the video should be considered content. (44038)
  • Media & Text: Display upload error notices using snackbars. (43890)
  • Navigation: Add overlay close button to icon toggle control. (43067)
  • Navigation: Set the icon control to full width. (43844)
  • Navigation: Try adding minimal animation to overlay. (43851)
  • Navigation: Try making it possible for themes to have the X overlay the = icon. (43576)
  • Navigation: Update to use translate instead of top. (44082)
  • Prevent single Columns blocks transforming into Columns. (43641)
  • Query Loop: Add allowedControls in block variations for better extensibility. (43632)
  • Query Loop: Pass extra query args in REST API call for accurate preview for extenders. (44093)
  • Quote: Restrict single block transforms to specific blocks. (44106)
  • Update: Add __experimentalRole attributes to media text block. (43957)
  • Video: Display upload error notices using snackbars. (43892)


  • Add contextConnectWithoutRef() to bypass ref forwarding. (43611)
  • AlignmentMatrixControl: Keep the physical direction in RTL languages. (43126)
  • ColorPalette: Make popover style consistent. (43570)
  • DropdownMenu: Use KeyboardEvent.code, refactor tests to model RTL and user-event. (43439)
  • GradientPicker: Show custom picker before swatches. (43577)
  • Guide: Use code instead of keyCode for keyboard events. (43604)
  • NavigableContainer: Use code instead of keyCode for keyboard events. (43606)
  • Popover: Refactor to TypeScript. (43823)
  • Storybook: Support dashicons for testing. (43721)
  • Style engine: Pass CSS formatting options from global functions. (43886)
  • TextControl, TextareaControl: Add flag to remove bottom margin. (43782)
  • ToggleGroupControl: Decouple borderless style with icon use. (43771)
  • Upsize typography tools. (43331)

Block Editor

  • Add icons for different types of suggestions in LinkControl. (43970)
  • Add justification controls to constrained layout. (44065)
  • Adds block supports for metadata. (43986)
  • Better block transforms organization. (44072)
  • Block Setttings Menu Controls: Add unstableDisplayLocation prop. (43987)
  • Content width toggle: Polish wording and appearance. (43702)
  • CustomGradientPicker: Remove and deprecate outer margins. (43436)
  • Improve content locking experience. (43956)
  • Multi-select: Add transition to reduce chance of flash. (43510)
  • Partial multi selection: Limit if selection contains unmergeable block. (42934)
  • Rich text: Log deprecation message for multiline prop. (43613)
  • Show parent block as selected when there is content locking. (43918)
  • Simplify the inserter styles and scrollable. (44088)
  • TextTransformControl/TextDecorationControl: Migrate to ToggleGroupControl. (43328)

Post Editor

  • Add 'isDeletingPost' selector. (44012)

CSS & Styling

  • Categories List Block: Match the markup on the block editor to the front end. (43666)
  • Placeholders: Make dashed style a mixin, and apply across. (43512)
  • Separator: Remove appearance of "inset" style. (43948)


  • Allow remote pattern registration in theme.json when core patterns are disabled. (43634)
  • Content lock ability. (43037)
  • Post type restriction API for patterns. (41842)

Global Styles

  • Added outline support for blocks via theme.json. (43526)
  • Block Spacing: Using spacing controls for block gap values to support presets in the UI. (43466)
  • Add box-shadow support for blocks via theme.json. (41972)
  • Make global styles data filterable. (44015)

Build Tooling

  • Update unstaged documentation error message. (43953)
  • Scripts: Change webpack configuration to include render files in the build folder. (43917)
  • Scripts: Update webpack configuration to allow modern image format. (43880)


  • Draggable block tests: Click block inserter instead of pressing Enter key. (43734)

Document Settings

  • Display pretty permalink for draft posts. (43600)


  • Add cite to theme.json elements. (43543)
  • Block-based template parts for Classic themes. (42729)
  • Post Featured Image block: Enable gradient overlay. (43838)

Site Editor

  • Archive-PostType template UI. (42746)
  • New archive-$postType templates get proper fallback content. (43603)
  • Template for specific category: Only load posts from that category in post template block. (43699)

New APIs

Block Library

  • Add filter for inner blocks in the Navigation block. (37998)
  • Make it possible to import individual blocks. (42258)


  • Add a filter to build_query_vars_from_query_block. (43590)

Block API

  • Blocks: Add new render field to block.json. (42430)

Bug Fixes

Block Library

  • Code Block: Fix duplicate background color. (43599)
  • File Block: Remove i18n from save function. (43050)
  • Fix block switcher preview scrollbar. (44079)
  • Fix block transform preview height. (44076)
  • Fix duplicate navigation block props. (43596)
  • Fix error in useClientWidth. (43585)
  • Fix site editor toolbar when block is bigger than viewport. (43548)
  • Fix the default icon for the navigation block. (44104)
  • Fix: Site logo rounded on mobile. (43903)
  • Fix: Site logo rounded. (43762)
  • Group: Fix click-first state. (43513)
  • Image: Display upload error notices using snackbars. (43767)
  • List: Add cut clipboard handler. (43609)
  • Navigation: Add current-menu-item also for archive links. (43800)
  • Navigation: Hide overlay preview settings when the overlay is off. (44032)
  • Navigation: Remove unneeded gap:Inherit rule on wrapper element of navigation block. (43669)
  • Post Terms: Use unbound query in the usePostTerms hook. (43501)
  • Site Logo: Fix border radius regression. (43701)
  • Fix cover flex issue in the editor. (43413)
  • Fix embed iframe sizing issue. (40213)
  • Update: Make it possible to change list items even if parent is template locked. (43959)
  • Latest Posts categories settings. (43685)
  • navigation block: Fix empty site-log li element in the dom. (44049)

Global Styles

  • Block editor: Move margins to theme.scss and common.scss. (43813)
  • Don't apply root padding to nested layout blocks. (43842)
  • Duotone palette doesn't reflect settings in theme.json. (43671)
  • Fixing broken layout styles for themes using theme.json settings on blocks that require layout styles. (43925)
  • Layout: Fix issue with fallback gap styles where gap was being output for constrained layout type. (44001)
  • Remove main content layout padding in preview. (43601)
  • Split root layout rules into a different function. (43792)


  • Button, Icon: Fix iconSize prop doesn't work with some icons. (43821)
  • Flex: Remove flex gap polyfill. (43995)
  • Popover: Enable auto-updating every animation frame. (43617)
  • Popover: Make more reactive to prop changes, avoid unnecessary updates. (43335)
  • Site editor: Fix padding and margin visualizer positioning. (43971)
  • Disabled: Preserve input values when toggling the isDisabled prop. (43508)

Block Editor

  • BlockInspector, ComplementaryArea: Fix overscoped p style. (43866)
  • Column Block: Enable global template_lock inheritance. (42677)
  • Fix blank screen on templates page. (43602)
  • Fix the horizontal block list drop indicator when dragging to the start. (43944)
  • Fix: Block styles preview is not displayed. (43837)
  • Fix: Non boolean usage on react output. (43919)
  • hasContentRoleAttribute: Check that block type exists. (43864)
  • Improve Safari text-selection style. (43313)
  • Prevent the default browser behaviour for dropped files from running. (43493)
  • RTL fix for inlined block-styles. (41762)
  • Spacing presets: fix bug with unlinked not applying if non int slugs used. (44136)

Design Tools

  • Fix display of width controls for legacy layouts. (43688)
  • FontFamily: Fix server-side attribute registration via typography support. (43937)
  • Layout: Fix blockGap output when using a falsy 0 value. (43757)
  • Layout: Fix toggling off inner blocks content width setting for legacy markup. (43888)


  • Fix asserting Post Format without opening the document settings sidebar. (43710)
  • Fix clicking on top of the publish panel in meta box end-to-end test. (43708)
  • Fix playwright's openDocumentSettingsSidebar util not opening the sidebar. (43506)


  • Better handling of loading states for navigation selector. (43904)
  • Limit contrast checker to only blocks that have at least one color defined. (43592)

Style Variations

  • Styles API: Fixed selectors for nested elements. (43988)


  • Font size picker: Add a fallback for the name property. (43794)

Post Editor

  • Editor: Simplify 'findOrCreateTerm' method logic. (43766)
  • Fix the style settings from core/post-content block in theme.json that are not applied in the editor. (42270)

Site Editor

  • Site Editor: Fix focus outline cut off in code editor. (42980)

Templates API

  • Block Templates: Add the custom templates info for the template posts. (43597)

Build Tooling

  • Makepot: Fix translations object handling. (43797)


Block Library

  • Comments Pagination: Avoid creating a new allowedBlocks array on every render. (44021)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from _.first() and _.last(). (43894)
  • Lodash: Remove _.omit() from block library. (43707)
  • Query Pagination: Avoid creating a new allowedBlocks array on every render. (44020)
  • Query by name. (43850)


  • Lodash: Refactor away from _.cloneDeep(). (43631)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from _.partial(). (43895)
  • Lodash: Remove from FormTokenField component. (43744)

Data Layer

  • Lodash: Refactor away from _.forEach(). (43807)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from _.has(). (43626)
  • Lodash: Remove _.omit() from @wordpress/data. (43712)

Post Editor

  • Lodash: Refactor away from _.unionBy(). (43735)
  • Lodash: Remove _.omit() from a few other packages. (43714)


  • Updates the content we use for performance testing. (43770)

Widgets Editor

  • Lodash: Remove completely from @wordpress/edit-widgets package. (43682)

Block Editor

  • Lodash: Remove from blocks API raw handling. (43575)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from BlockActionsMenu (RN). (43849)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from BlockActions. (43846)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from BlockMover. (43853)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from useFocusFirstElement. (43847)
  • Lodash: Remove _.first() and _.last() from block editor store. (43854)
  • Lodash: Remove _.first() and _.last() from block tools and useSelectAll hook. (43855)
  • Lodash: Remove _.omit() from block editor. (43704)


  • Core Data: Stop sending duplicate requests in canUser resolver. (43480)


  • Add documentation for the block template parts theme support. (44009)
  • Adding instructions for adding sub-pages to packages documentation. (43750)
  • Create a new handbook page for propagating updates. (43538)
  • Create Block: Split documentation into two sections. (43718)
  • Docgen: Add basic handling for the @since tag. (43550)
  • Docs: Add example of BlockControls to Format API how to guide. (43581)
  • Docs: Fix required status of onSelectUrl prop of MediaReplaceFlow component. (44025)
  • Document new global styles filters. (44111)
  • Document template_lock=noContent for Custom Post Types. (43977)
  • InnerBlocks: document that templateLock:NoContent cannot be overriden by children. (43825)
  • Theme.json: Add default values for settings.spacing.spacingScale. (43860)
  • Theme.json: Fix schema for useRootPaddingAwareAlignments. (43628)
  • Typography block supports: Call tear_down in tests and format PHP doc blocks. (43968)
  • Update a broken link to the format-api example. (44058)
  • Update playwright end-to-end utils readme. (44016)
  • Updated the "Create your First App with Gutenberg Data" how-to guide. (43633)
  • Add select icon for Navigation Block's menu button. (43674)
  • Style engine: pre-core migration documentation and house keeping. (43840)
  • Fix JSON syntax issues in theme.json examples. (43828)

Code Quality


  • AnglePickerControl: Deprecate margin bottom. (43867)
  • CheckboxControl: Add flag to remove bottom margin. (43720)
  • ComboboxControl: Add unit tests. (42403)
  • DateTimePicker: Address feedback after recent refactor to date-fns and use-lilius. (43495)
  • DropZone: Convert to TypeScript. (43962)
  • Fix TS types for isValueDefined()/isValueEmpty(). (43983)
  • FocalPointControl: Add flag to remove bottom margin. (43996)
  • FocalPointPicker: Convert to TypeScript. (43872)
  • FontSizePicker: Deprecate bottom margin. (43870)
  • FormFileUpload: Convert to TypeScript. (43960)
  • Invert tsconfig to be exclude-based. (43534)
  • Lodash: Refactor away from _.escapeRegExp(). (43629)
  • Lodash: Remove from block factory API. (43560)
  • Lodash: Remove from block registration API. (43558)
  • Lodash: Remove from block serializer API. (43561)
  • Lodash: Remove from block templates API. (43563)
  • Make more components pass type checks. (43579)
  • RadioControl: Clean up CSS. (43868)
  • Remove unused normalizeArrowKey utility function. (43640)
  • Remove unused Storybook utils. (43578)
  • Retire DARK_GRAY colors. (43773)
  • Retire LIGHT_GRAY[ 200 ] and DARK_GRAY[ 150 ]. (43719)
  • Retire LIGHT_GRAY color object. (43994)
  • SearchControl: Convert to TypeScript and add flag to remove bottom margin. (43871)
  • Style engine: Refer to 'context' rather than 'store' in global function. (43841)
  • TabPanel: Convert to TypeScript. (43536)
  • ToggleControl: Convert to TypeScript. (43717)
  • WordPressComponentProps: Only add refs when they are actually added. (43610)
  • Refactor Icon tests to @testing-library/react. (44051)
  • Refactor IsolatedEventContainer tests to @testing-library/react. (44073)
  • Refactor KeyboardShortcuts tests to @testing-library/react. (44075)
  • NUX: Refactor DotTip tests to @testing-library/react. (43768)


  • Refactor pure HoC tests to @testing-library/react. (43913)
  • Refactor withInstanceId HoC tests to @testing-library/react. (43915)

Post Editor

  • Edit Post: Refactor BrowserURL tests to @testing-library/react. (43978)
  • Edit Post: Refactor PageAttributesOrder tests to @testing-library/react. (43980)
  • Refactor PostPublishButton tests to @testing-library/react. (43909)
  • Refactor PostPublishPanel tests to @testing-library/react. (43908)
  • Refactor PostSavedState tests to @testing-library/react. (43769)
  • Refactor PostSlug tests to @testing-library/react. (43973)
  • Update changelog to include a new 'isDeletingPost' selector. (44120)
  • Refactor MetaBoxesSection tests to @testing-library/react. (43774)
  • Refactor PostPublishButtonOrToggle tests to @testing-library/react. (43776)
  • Refactor PreferencesModal tests to @testing-library/react. (43775)
  • NumberControl: Add TypeScript prop types. (43791)
  • Popover: Stabilize __unstableShift prop to shift. (43845)

Block Library

  • Button: Remove hardcoded white. (43553)
  • Categories List Block: Escape home_url(). (43824)
  • Gallery Block: Use wp_enqueue_block_support_styles(). (43859)
  • Post Terms: Refactor the usePostTerms hook. (43503)
  • Navigation: Use code instead of keyCode for keyboard events. (43644)
  • Create an alias get_element_class_name to use it in blocks. (44099)

Block Editor

  • Refactor AlignmentControl tests to @testing-library/react. (44022)
  • Refactor BlockAlignmentUI tests to @testing-library/react. (44023)
  • Refactor BlockEdit tests to @testing-library/react. (44027)
  • Refactor BlockIcon tests to @testing-library/react. (44089)
  • Refactor BlockTitle tests to @testing-library/react. (43811)
  • Refactor BlockVerticalAlignmentUI tests to @testing-library/react. (44029)
  • Refactor BlockView tests to @testing-library/react. (43818)
  • Refactor ComboboxControl to pass exhaustive-deps. (41417)
  • Refactor ContrastChecker tests to @testing-library/react. (43975)
  • Refactor DefaultBlockAppender tests to @testing-library/react. (43990)
  • Refactor DimensionControl tests to @testing-library/react. (43916)
  • Refactor DocumentOutline tests to @testing-library/react. (43772)
  • Refactor FocalPointPicker to function component. (39168)
  • Refactor MediaPlaceholder tests to @testing-library/react. (43991)
  • Refactor MenuItem tests to @testing-library/react. (43778)
  • Refactor NavigatorButton to pass exhaustive-deps. (42051)
  • Refactor NavigatorScreen to pass exhaustive-deps. (43876)
  • Refactor Panel tests to @testing-library/react. (43896)
  • Refactor PostTaxonomies tests to @testing-library/react. (44068))
  • Refactor Slot/Fill tests to @testing-library/react. (44084)
  • Refactor URLInputButton tests to @testing-library/react. (43899)
  • Refactor UrlPopover tests to @testing-library/react. (43898)
  • Refactor Warning tests to @testing-library/react. (43817)
  • Refactor withColors tests to @testing-library/react. (43976)
  • Refactor withFilters tests to @testing-library/react. (44017)
  • Refactor popover to use separate flip and resize props instead of forcePosition. (43546
  • Fix: Inexistent parameter passed to parseUnitFunction. (43920)
  • Minor code tweaks/optimizations (PHP). (43375)

Rich Text

  • Remove deprecated wrapperClassName prop. (44033)

Inspector Controls

  • Remove leftovers from previous iterations in block inspector. (43806)


  • Remove 'gutenberg_rest_nonce' method. (43805)

List View

  • ListViewBlock: Refactor to have locking data in a single place. (43803)

npm Packages

  • Block Serialization Default Parser: Include TypeScript type declarations. (43722)
  • Lodash: Remove _.omit() from @wordpress/blocks. (43711)
  • Lodash: Remove completely from @wordpress/format-library package. (43738)
  • Lodash: Remove completely from @wordpress/i18n package. (43677)
  • Lodash: Remove completely from @wordpress/redux-routine package. (43741)
  • @wordpress/date: Rename __experimentalGetSettings() to getSettings(). (43884)

Global Styles

  • Elements: Check value and whitelist before building style nodes. (43622)
  • Prepare WP_Theme_JSON_Data class for backporting. (44109)
  • Safeguard for backport of get_template_hierarchy function. (44085)
  • Format Library: Remove redundant inline link test. (43912)
  • Layout: Unit tests for gutenberg_get_layout_style. (44006)

Block Editor

  • Rich text: Remove unused unstable list functions. (43614)

Data Layer

  • Add tsconfig.json to core-data package. (43638)
  • Add type signature for useDispatch. (43528)
  • Bundle TypeScript types with the data package. (43643)
  • Simplify TypeScript types in wordpress/core-data. (43515)


  • Unskip navigation menu selector focus test. (43507)

Build Tools

  • Update scaffold.js. (43740)



  • Add comments for the repeated move commands in draggable end-to-end tests. (43933)
  • Add stale issue workflow for flaky test reports. (43547)
  • Avatar: Add test to ensure that user image updates when user switched. (42657)
  • Fix PHP Tests: Try removing registry from WP_Block constructor calls. (43927)
  • Iframed editor: Fixed skipped tests. (43697)
  • Migrate draggable block tests to Playwright. (43798)
  • Migrate duplicating block test to playwright. (43171)
  • Migrate register block test case to playwright. (43170)
  • Migrate writing flow tests to Playwright. (43637)
  • Preview tests: Wait for the post-status change. (43874)
  • Skip draggable block end-to-end tests. (43736)
  • Skip navigation block end-to-end tests. (43571)
  • Update Playwright. (43887)

First time contributors

The following PRs were merged by first time contributors:


The following contributors merged PRs in this release:

@aaronrobertshaw @adamziel @afragen @amustaque97 @andrewserong @annezazu @aristath @BE-Webdesign @c4rl0sbr4v0 @carolinan @chad1008 @ciampo @colorful-tones @dcalhoun @dgwyer @draganescu @ellatrix @fabiankaegy @flootr @geriux @getdave @glendaviesnz @gziolo @jasmussen @jonathanbossenger @jorgefilipecosta @kevin940726 @kkoppenhaver @madhusudhand @MaggieCabrera @Mamaduka @matiasbenedetto @mikachan @mirka @mrobit @ndiego @niklasp @noisysocks @ntsekouras @oandregal @ockham @pavanpatil1 @petitphp @pooja-muchandikar @RahiDroid @ramonjd @ryanwelcher @SantosGuillamot @scruffian @SiobhyB @spacedmonkey @stokesman @sunyatasattva @t-hamano @talldan @tellthemachines @torounit @tyxla @youknowriad

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