github WordPress/gutenberg v11.8.0

latest releases: v18.7.0, @wordpress/widgets@4.0.4, @wordpress/reusable-blocks@5.0.4...
2 years ago


Block Library

  • Add spacing controls to all heading blocks. (35772)
  • Enable slash inserter for heading, list, and quote. (35360)
  • Unify theme block placeholder content. (35517)
  • Buttons: Add gap and vertical margin support. (34546)
  • Categories: Add support for showing only top-level categories. (35726)
  • Column: Allow the specification of blocks allowed within columns. (35342)
  • Comment Content Block: Add typography, color and padding support. (35183)
  • Cover: Add allowedBlocks and TemplateLock attributes in Cover Block. (31326)
  • Cover: Add option to set opacity when background colour used. (35065)
  • Cover: Allow setting the height from the placeholder state. (35068)
  • Cover: Change dimRatio to 50 if media added and dimRatio is set to 100. (35789)
  • Cover: Only use white text when the background of the cover block is dark. (33541)
  • Cover: Use the description in the placeholder. (34970)
  • Embed: Add Pinterest as an embed provider. (34895)
  • Feature Image: Add spacing controls to the featured image block. (35775)
  • Featured image and Image: Remove descendent space. (35466)
  • Gallery Block: Get media data in a single request. (34389)
  • Heading: Autogenerate heading anchors. (30825)
  • Quote: Update deprecation to expect style block supports. (35615)
  • Page List: Show empty placeholder if no items. (35441)
  • Post Date: Add more typography options. (35422)
  • Post Comment Author: Add link settings and block supports. (35595)
  • Post Comment Date: Add link setting and block supports. (35112)
  • Quote: Added a "plain" style for quote blocks. (29856)
  • Search: Enable inheritance in search block. (35723)
  • Site Logo: Add a basic example to the site logo block. (35588)
  • Site Logo: Move the Reset button to the Replace menu dropdown. (35372)
  • Site Logo: placeholder tweaks. (35397)
  • Site Tagline: Add fontStyle control to Site Tagline block. (35507)
  • Site Tagline: Add wide + full support to the site tagline block. (35589)
  • Site Title: Add basic example to site-title block. (35590)
  • Site Logo: Remove "Reset" button icon. (35434)
  • Social Icons: Add top and bottom margin support. (35374)
  • Social Links: Polish logos only style. (35586)

Design Tools

  • ToolsPanel: Switch to plus icon when no controls present in panel body. (34107)
  • Block Supports: Add panel specific className. (35793)
  • Block Supports: Switch dimensions inspector controls slot to bubble virtually. (34725)
  • Inspector Controls: Resort the order of the design tools associated with styles hooks. (35574)

Global Styles

  • Allow users to store duotone data. (35318)
  • Allow child theme.json to be merged with parent theme.json. (35459)
  • Extract the three color panels to their own global styles view. (35400)
  • Font family: Switch from CSS Custom Property to classes. (31910)
  • Move the global styles reset action to a dropdown menu. (35559)
  • Update descriptions for the different screens under global styles. (35429)
  • Update the global styles sidebar's root view to use Card components. (35547)
  • Use text color to render the Aa preview in global styles. (35631)


  • Add [data-block] to appender. (35356)
  • Enable theme supports automatically for FSE theme. (35593)
  • Remove default padding/margin on the body of the page and editor canvas. (35421)
  • Support title in templateParts. (35626)
  • CSS: Add a reset for image heights. (30092)


  • Increase number of items per page for default Query Loop Block. (35603)
  • Featured patterns from pattern directory. (35115)

Block Editor

  • Add animations for insertion point, dropzone, and other elements. (33132)
  • Adjust Link UI visual styling. (35414)
  • Add some top margin. (35717)
  • Show ellipsis menu in the List View. (35170)

Template Editor

  • Add more options to template areas in template details. (35577)
  • Add template areas to template inspector. (35239)
  • Add template details to template parts. (35444)
  • Align the layout of the template card with the block card. (35391)
  • Update site editor block placeholder styling. (35513)
  • Use a dark background for the site editor. (35520)


  • Add shortcut provider. (35652)
  • Iterate on the design of the colors and gradients panel. (35535)
  • Navigator: Update Navigator styling to facilitate sticky positioning. (35518)
  • Repositioned RangeControl tooltip and adjusted image zoom control dropdown height. (27374)
  • Remove segmented control vertical separators. (35497)
  • Storybook: Add RTL switcher to toolbar. (35711)
  • Storybook: Add story for TypographyPanel. (35293)
  • Storybook: Enable Controls and disable Knobs by default. (35682)
  • Storybook: Remove outdated decorator configuration. (35678)
  • Support "any" step in NumberControl and RangeControl. (34542)
  • ToggleGroupControl: Allow custom aria-label. (35423)
  • Update range control metrics. (35540)
  • Update FontSize control. (35395)


  • Create Block: Add PascalCase slug to create-block template strings. (35462)
  • Create Block: Allow local directories to be passed to --template as relative paths. (35645)
  • Test Setup: Add more-complete mocks of common timer functions. (35368)
  • Scripts: Allow customization of the ARTIFACTS_PATH via WP_ARTIFACTS_PATH env var. (35371)


  • Rich text popovers: Move to block tools to fix tab order. (34956)
  • Save button: Prevent focus loss. (34731)


Global Styles

  • Pass only the data the site editor uses. (35458)
  • Use a context provider for global styles configuration. (35622)

Bug Fixes

Block Library

  • Block Settings: Don't render 'Move to' if the block cannot be moved. (35463)
  • Cover: Update placeholder minHeight style to support non-px units. (35614)
  • Cover: Update 'templateLock' attribute. (35671)
  • Featured Image: Center placeholder chip contents. (35417)
  • Heading: Fix undo/redo "trap". (35767)
  • Heading: Remove anchor map when block unmounts. (35761)
  • Site Logo: Fix site logo block on dark backgrounds. (35718)


  • Fix HelpHub link i18n for page-jumps. (35404)
  • Fix template part block untranslated strings. (35715)
  • Translation note for Home/end to avoid mistranslations. (35669)


  • Server Site Render: Prevent empty renders in ServerSideRender component caused by changing props while already fetching markup. (35433)
  • Rich text: formats: allow format to filter value when changing tag name (35516)


  • Color Picker: Fix some issues on the color picker component; Remove tinycolor2;. (35562)
  • Navigator: Hide horizontal overflow in Navigator. (35332)
  • Popover: Fix __unstableBoundaryParent. (35082)
  • RawHTML component: Allow multiple children. (35532)
  • Rich text: Fix internal paste across multiline and single line instances. (35416)
  • Toggle Group Control: Fix visual state when no option is selected. (35545)
  • Toggle Group Control: Fixed condition to show separator correctly. (35409)
  • Toogle Group Control: Fix ToggleGroupControlOption not passing ref to the underlying element. (35546)
  • Tooltip: For Tooltips, prevent emitting events to child elements if they are disabled. (35254)
  • Tooltip: Remove extra comma character from Tooltip when underlying component is disabled. (35247)


  • Custom Templates: Use "title" from the theme.json. (35592)
  • Elements block support: Fix link color rendering on site front end. (35446)
  • Move the link color styles to the footer. (35425)
  • Reset margin for all children of flow layouts. (35426)

Template Editor

  • Use slug as template parts area item key. (35796)
  • Fix missing titles in general areas. (35657)

Block API

  • Blocks: Apply the most recent filters to previously registered blocks. (34299)
  • Fix class serialization of font size and colors in dynamic blocks that use block supports. (35751)

Design Tools

  • Border Radius Control: Fix undefined value on first click into RangeControl. (35651)

Block Editor

  • Fix updating the block list after block removal. (35721)
  • Fix sibling inserter animation. (35729)
  • Inserter: Fix gap between Search and Tabs. (35537)
  • Saving post: Transparent disabled button. (35542)
  • FSE: Coding standards: DOCTYPE should be the first line/character of any HTML document. (35442)
  • [Block Editor]: Fix displaying only the none alignment option (35822)


  • Fix preloading middleware referencing stale data for OPTIONS requests. (35527)

List View

  • Fix expand and collapse when the icon is clicked. (35526)

Global Styles

  • Fix presets that use a callback to validate user data. (35255)

CSS & Styling

  • Remove font size classes that are enqueued in the global stylesheet. (35182)

Block API

  • Allow more than 1 block stylesheets. (32510)


Navigation Block

  • Add block gap support. (35277)
  • Enable always on burger menu for responsive navigation menus. (35568)
  • Fix issue with space-between. (35722)
  • Submenu item paddings & fixes. (35716)
  • Fix navigation gap & padding issues. (35752)
  • Remove color inheritance specificity. (35725)
  • Remove deprecated classnames from Navigation Link block. (35358)

Navigation Screen

  • Use new core functions in menu items REST API. (35648)
  • Navigation: Preload more API requests. (35402)
  • Refactor gutenberg_initialize_editor function and remove block_editor_preload_data filter. (35838)

Full Site Editing

  • Try: Remove dotted ancestor border. (35637)



  • Add categories to TOC to help digest the FAQ. (35519)
  • Add missing documentation for the wrapperProps property for the BlockListBlock component returned by the editor.blockListEdit filter. (26961)
  • Add section on using theme.json schema. (35739)
  • Add Table of Contents to FAQ page. (35455)
  • Clarify documentation for InnerBlocks orientation prop. (35712)
  • CustomRadius - Remove plugin only text. (35582)
  • Update block categories. (35523)
  • Update npm run build command for developing with Gutenberg locally. (35681)


  • Block Editor: Update default value of the viewportWidth attribute in documentation. (35659)
  • Components: Add the storybook link to the /components README. (35493)
  • Components: Add readme for SkipToSelectedBlock component. (32958)
  • Componentes: Add CHANGELOG entry for the fieldset removal from FontAppearanceControl. (35585)
  • Components: Add entry to CHANGELOG regarding new ColorPicker. (35486)
  • Components: Fix markdown highlighting on components (35633)
  • Components: Mark CustomSelectControl hint option as experimental. (35673)
  • Components: Polish ToggleGroupControl. (35600)
  • Components: Small tweaks to contributing guidelines. (35620)
  • Components: Update README for SelectControl. (28811)
  • Components: Update DateTimePicker component README to remove reference to isDayHighlighted callback. (35363)
  • Components, feat(SelectControl): Add children prop. (29540)
  • Create Block: Update documentation and readme post merge of #35645. (35679)

Code Quality

  • Block Editor: Fix odd usage of transform-styles wrap function (and tighten types). (23599)
  • Constrained tabbing: Simplify. (34836)
  • Compose: Convert usePrevious hook to TypeScript. (35597)
  • Update Callers to handle when getBlockType return undefined. (35097)
  • Components: Polish ResizableBox and convert it to TypeScript. (35062)
  • Components: Remove tinycolor object usage from the gradient picker. (35544)
  • Components: Remove duplicated className in Card component. (35333)
  • Components: Remove unused useJumpStep utility. (35561)
  • Components: Use new color picker props. (35566)
  • Components: Replace the color picker component with the new version. (35220)
  • Components, FontAppearanceControl: Remove fieldset wrapper. (35461)
  • Components, ToolsPanel: Remove hardcoded classnames. (35415)
  • Components, UnitControl component: Refactor JSX components to TypeScript. (35281)
  • Global Styles: Refactor how the Global Styles access and sets data. (35264)
  • Post Editor: Fix-up Post Editor’s preferences modal. (35369)
  • Remove Tinycolor usage from component color utils. (35553)
  • Reusable Blocks: Thunkify reusable-blocks store. (35217)



  • Scripts: Remove inject polyfill by default. (35436)


  • Child theme.json: Update test to better capture that childs can update single parts in isolation. (35759)
  • Border Radius Control: Add fallback px unit and add utils tests. (35786)
  • Fix preview end-to-end tests. (35565)
  • Flaky Tests: Fix taxonomies flaky tests. (35534)
  • Flaky Tests: Try another fix for flaky nav test. (35443)
  • Performance tests: Add more detailed loading metrics. (32237)
  • Components, Panel: Improve unit tests. (35658)
  • Enable/skipped metabox test. (35594)

Build Tooling

  • Revert version bump if build job fails. (33239)
  • Updates react-native-aztec android to use S3 dependency for Aztec editor. (35606)

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