github WordPress/gutenberg v10.7.0

latest releases: v18.7.1, v18.7.0, @wordpress/widgets@4.0.4...
3 years ago


  • Block Editor:
    • Standardize block styles cursor on hover. (31188)
    • Support scripts in iframed editors. (31873)
  • Block Library:
    • Normalize theme block toolbars. (31952)
    • Buttons: Use column-gap for styling. (31386)
    • Column: Add color and padding support to individual column block. (31778)
    • Cover: Allow transforming from group block. (30890)
    • Media & Text: Add media width control. (31002)
    • Post Comments: Add basic CSS to the block. (30382)
    • Post Excerpt: Update read more placeholder text. (30959)
    • Post Featured Image: Change wrapper element to figure. (31595)
    • Query:
      • Add layout and color support. (31833)
      • Update bundled patterns to have inherit:False. (31856)
      • Allow term addition from user case-insensitive input. (31301)
    • Site Logo:
      • Add link toggle option. (31162)
      • Use custom_logo theme-mod instead of site_logo setting for the site-logo block. (31994)
    • Site Tagline:
      • Add margin block support. (31809)
      • Expand the site tagline block description. (31426)
    • Site Title:
      • Add additional text formatting options. (31734)
      • Add margin block support. (31728)
    • Social Links: Add some padding to the "click plus to add". (31927)
  • Components
    • Add Spacer. (31509)
    • Improve display for multiple action buttons in notices. (31799)
    • Polish the switcher for horizontal blocks. (31645)
    • Promote Divider and use readable prop names. (31556)
    • Promote Grid. (31559)
    • Promote View. (31542)
    • Promote VStack and HStack. (31300)
    • UnitControl: Add support for unit step per unit type. (30376)
  • Design tools:
    • Add margin block support with configurable sides. (30608)
    • Add option to disable duotone. (32002)
    • Add reset button to Layout controls. (30828)
    • Add server-side support for margins. (31808)
  • Icons: Update icons. (31533)
  • List View:
    • Display block anchor in List View when set. (31992)
    • Enable persistent List View in the post editor. (31047)
  • Patterns: Load patterns from API. (28800)
  • Template Editing Mode:
    • Add a welcome guide to the template editor. (31330) (32055)
    • Add a Delete template action. (31678)
  • Word count: Adjust to count numbers as words. (27288)

New APIs

  • Babel Preset Default: Configure @babel/preset-env preset to respect a local Browserslist configuration. (31898)
  • Blocks: Deprecate registerBlockTypeFromMetadata in favor of registerBlockType. (32030)
  • Global Styles: Rename and stabilize useEditorFeature as useSetting. (31587)
  • Stacked/unified block toolbar. (31134)
  • Babel Preset Default: Add polyfill for WordPress built from core-js. (31279)

Bug Fixes

  • Block Library:
    • Cover:
      • Remove fixed background when previewed in patterns list. (31640)
      • Show placeholder only if it has no inner blocks. (31402)
    • Gallery:
      • Fix focus caption prop for native. (32029)
      • Fix identical images getting duplicated when moving. (30555)
    • Image:
      • Remove figure margins consistently in image blocks. (31650)
      • Fix cover transform and excessive re-rendering. (32102)
    • Post Content: Apply the_content filter even if content is empty. (31997)
    • Post Comments Count: Fix attributes declaration. (31976)
    • Post Comment Form:
      • Fix stylesheet dependency. (31528)
      • Fix to allow post comment button to inherit button & global styles automatically. (31338)
    • Post Featured Image:
      • Fix non-interactive placeholder when outside of a post context. (31663)
      • Fix placeholder regression. (31709)
      • Fix selection scroll into view. (31835)
      • Fix image width for wide aligned Post featured image. (32070)
    • Site Logo:
      • Fix duplicate supports declaration. (31544)
      • Return nothing if logo is not set. (31513)
      • Only request media entity when a site logo has been chosen. (31673)
    • Template Part:
      • Don't show the currently used template part as an option in the 'replace' flow. (31720)
      • Fix template part selection searches to use title/area instead of slug/theme. (31520)
      • Use label and icon per variation when displaying placeholders. (31721)
  • Block Editor:
    • Clear selection on iframe html element click, fix bottom click redirect. (31385)
    • Fix block ref when multiple useBlockProps hooks are called. (31906)
    • Fix moving animation for nested blocks. (31945)
    • Fix selecting aligned blocks. (31904)
    • Fix scrolling to the inserted block issue in the iFramed block editor. (31448)
    • Prevent rendering self also when the wrapper block matches the inserted block. (31592)
    • Toolbar:
      • Fix showing toolbar when caret enters formatting (and extract as implementation detail for the block editor). (31664)
      • Fix toolbar in device preview. (31600)
  • Design tools:
    • BoxControl:
      • Filter out unit only values when checking values defined. (31779)
      • Fix tooltip display for unlinked box control inputs. (31741)
    • Color picker:
      • Fixes color picker segmented control rendering and scrolling issues. (30994)
      • Fix text. (30039)
    • Duotone:
      • Fix duotone transform not transferring settings between blocks. (31801)
      • Fix duotone padding crash. (31780)
    • Font-family: Fix typo in font-family supports for dynamic blocks. (31974)
    • Spacing Support:
      • Properly hide UI for disabled properties. (31726)
      • Fix custom units for margin. (31776)
  • Inserter: Hide patterns tab if no patterns are available. (31687)
  • Patterns:
    • Check for allowed blocks recursively in patterns. (30366)
    • Fix unregister_block_pattern notices. (32025)
  • Post Editor: Fix template name displaying incorrectly. (32035)
  • Server Side Rendering: Re-enable passing post_id query arg (#31786). (31787)
  • Template Editing Mode: Fix wrapper block name for template mode. (31985)
  • Writing flow, multi-selection:
    • Fix caret placing when the target is out of view. (31506)
    • Gradually 'select all' layers of nested blocks. (31859)
  • Fix errors caused by commits to WordPress core. (32176) (32183) (32059)
  • Components: Fix the list of package dependencies. (32167)
  • Fix issue with customizer title overlapping block toolbar. (32140)
  • Correctly read rawRequest for frontend ESM. (31917)
  • Fix generation of presets classes per block. (32190)
  • Widget Screen:
    • Fix unsaved changes notification. (31757)
    • Fix call to undefined __experimentalRegisterExperimentalCoreBlocks. (32138)


  • Block editor styles: Memoize transform. (31553)
  • Block editor async mode: Enable only for blocks out of view. (30995)
  • Improve performance of term search. (31703)
  • Blocks package: Memoize getBlockVariations selector. (32120)


  • Block Library: Hide the PostAuthor block behind the Gutenberg experimental flag. (31983)
  • Block-based Widgets:
    • API:
      • Improve get_merged_data API so it requires less knowledge from the consumer. (31552)
    • Customizer:
      • Add 'more' menu. (31970)
      • Add undo redo to Widgets Customizer. (31653)
      • Add Welcome messaging. (31968)
      • Clear selected block when focusing on element outside the editor. (31530)
      • Fix removing legacy widget not working in customizer. (31535)
      • Implement mobile responsive block toolbar. (31589)
      • Remove Widgets Customizer experimental flag. (31876)
    • Widgets Editor:
      • Add default notices support. (31578)
      • Add more menu. (31926)
      • Add Welcome Guide. (31925)
      • Remove widget screen empty link in admin. (31408)
      • Update toolbar and notice positioning. (31582)
  • Navigation Editor and Block:
    • Add home link block. (30926)
    • API:
      • Add locations to the menu response. (31656)
      • Change default to 100 menu items returned. (21243)
    • Allow space between on page list. (29771)
    • Bring implementations of convert nav menu items to blocks back into sync. (31602)
    • Editor:
      • "Add new pages" use menu entity. (31643)
      • Add padding for navigation screen. (31583)
      • Clear 'stub' navigation post edits on save. (31735)
      • Fix menu location assignment. (31594)
      • Fix editor margin. (31493)
      • On mobile viewports, reveal the block inspector when clicking the menu name button. (31220)
      • Update sidebar. (31821)
      • Warn the user about unsaved changes. (31197)
    • Enable justification for burger menu. (31877)
    • Extract Navigation Block data fetching and management to hook(s). (31825)
    • Fix nav block hover z index. (31929)
    • Fix nav placeholder colors and height. (31875)
    • Improve the navigation block setup state / placeholder. (31371)
    • Introduce useMenuEntityProp hook. (31132)
    • Normalize converting nav menu items to blocks between Editor and Block. (31606)
    • Responsive Navigation. (30047)
    • Submenus shouldn't take space unless they're actually open. (31881)
  • Global Styles
    • Block Supports: Allow skipping serialization of typography attributes. (30880)
    • Fix condition for global styles on mobile. (31844)
    • Fix global styles settings retrieval for REST. (31534)
    • Make core color classes and custom properties always available. (31669)
    • Remove from valid styles and alphabetize the rest. (31516)
    • Return consolidated global styles in REST Request. (31762)
    • Use elements mechanism for link color instead of a CSS variable. (31524)
    • Use mobile context in settings request & global styles. (31819)
    • Use wp_theme taxonomy for wp_global_styles cpt. (31436)
    • Theme.json: Replace hardcoded CSS_UNITS and inherit units from theme.json. (31822)
  • Full Site Editing:
    • Template Loader: Make templates arg required. (31671)
    • Simplify template loader logic. (31604)


  • Handbook:
    • Add dedicated Block Styles page under Block API directory. (31055)
    • Add info on how to connect to the WP ENV MySQL database. (31975)
    • Capitalize GitHub properly in contributors README. (31549)
    • Clarify 'Applying styles from a stylesheet' how-to guide. (31824)
    • First pass at the documentation for the Widgets Block Editor. (31577)
    • Fix link to ESNext in callout. (31512)
    • Make the theme.json examples copy-pasteable. (32040)
    • Update Glossary with more FSE terminology. (31525)
  • Packages:
    • Add required “directory” prop to package.json template in packages documentation. (31570)
    • Fix typo: "packages" -> "package". (32036)
    • Improve packages documentation - document root package json and public API knowledge. (31598)
    • Remove duplicate 1.52.0 changelog entry. (31659)
    • Scripts: Fix the CHANGELOG for @wordpress/scripts package. (31532)
    • Typo in edit-navigation layout translators note. (31541)

Code Quality

  • Block editor:
    • Block popover: Move scroll handling to block tools. (31611)
    • Log an error if styles are loaded through the compatibility layer. (31870)
  • Block Library:
    • Post Comments: Make CSS less specific. (31711)
    • Image/Gallery: Remove use of unstableOnFocus. (31796)
  • Linting:
    • Fix PHP lint issues. (32039)
    • Fix PHPCS warning for alignment. (31931)
    • Fix lint issues. (31790)
    • Ignore data-no-store-string-literals rule for native files. (31936)
  • Components:
    • Add ToolbarDropdownMenu to render dropdown menus properly inside toolbars. (31460)
    • Don't pass down index through context. (31852)
    • Remove color() utility function, use values directly. (31661)
    • Remove config() utility function, use values directly. (31646)
  • Compose:
    • Add types to withInstanceId and corresponding hook. (31341)
    • Add types useConstrainedTabbing. (31548)
    • Add types useAsyncList. (31523)
  • Docgen:
    • Replace assertions for getIntermediateRepresentation unit tests with snapshots. (31547)
    • Split getIntermediateRepresentation unit tests in smaller tests. (31468)
  • Inserter: Mark the inserter slot as unstable. (31417)
  • Multi-select:
    • Use ref callback for focus out, merge native selection hooks. (31618)
    • Use writing flow container for focus. (31572)
  • Rich text:
    • Build in isSelected check for children. (31802)
    • Consolidate applying from props. (31635)
    • Each hook should create its own ref. (31477)
    • Extract implementation-specific undo handling of automatic changes. (31676)
    • Extract internal delete handling. (31637)
    • Extract persistent change marking. (31760)
    • Extract splitValue to separate file. (31803)
    • Extract input and selection. (31631)
    • Extract indent list item on space. (31628)
    • Extract select object. (31627)
    • Extract paste handler. (31619)
    • Fix props on DOM element warnings. (31883)
    • Move autocomplete key handler to ref callback. (31770)
    • Move implementation specific attributes. (31674)
    • Move implementation specific delete and enter handling. (31644)
    • Remove avoiding setting selection on mount. (31788)
    • Remove dependency on block client ID. (31752)
    • Remove duplicate active formats state. (31771)
    • Remove old broken format prop. (31767)
    • Remove tag name dependency. (31679)
    • Simplify with hooks. (31718)
  • Rename construct_wp_query_args to build_query_vars_from_query_block. (32041)
  • Theme.json:
    • Remove unused code. (31666)
    • Remove declarations so API has coherence. (31596)
    • Remove: Declarations parameter from compute_style_properties. (31573)
  • Writing flow:
    • Extract and simplify "select all". (31855)
    • Extract arrow nav. (31851)
    • Extract tab behavior to hook. (31834)
  • REST API: Use batch endpoint included in Core. (32174)
  • Prepare for adding the Widgets block editor to Core. (32136)
  • Remove gutenberg domain from core blocks. (32152)
  • Remove filter_var from blocks. (32046)
  • Plugin: Update block editor settings to work with context. (32159)


  • End-to-end tests:
    • Add template loader unit tests. (31498)
    • Fix end-to-end test inserting cover block. (31866)
    • Fix flaky change detection tests causing intermittent failures. (31861)
    • Fix intermittent embeds failure. (31860)
    • Fix intermittent failure of rich text end-to-end test. (31864)
    • Increase test coverage for pattern transforms. (31689)
    • Navigation: Add unit tests for onChange handler and fix cases around custom links tags and post-format. (31259)
    • Remove i18n filters performance test. (32028)
    • Skip unstable end-to-end tests. (32031)
    • Try stabilizing customize widgets end-to-end tests. (32023)
    • Update skip failing template mode end to end test. (32017)
    • Update tests for changes in core logic. (31982)
  • Gutenberg plugin: Update compatibility layer for loading separate core block assets. (31894)
  • Workflow:
    • Replace the Cancel workflow with native GitHub Action functionality. (32016)
    • Remove Custom Properties PostCSS plugin. (31715)

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