github Wemino/VorpalFix 2.6.0
VorpalFix 2.6.0

latest releases: 2.6.2, 2.6.1
2 months ago
  • Add 'FixMenuAnimationSpeed': Fix the animation speed of the 'Back' button going too fast when the resolution is higher than 640x480.
  • Add 'FixDisplayModeBufferOverflow': Fix a buffer overflow when fetching the resolution list, which may crash the game the first time it's started.
  • Add 'FixCutsceneJumpSound': Prevent Alice's jumping voice from playing when pressing the jumping key during a cutscene.
  • Add 'DisableWinsockInitialization': to prevent unnecessary Winsock initialization in the Quake 3 engine, as it is not needed for American McGee's Alice, which is a 100% offline game.
  • Fix texture bleeding for certain glowing elements, such as the light bulb and the mirror's heart in the settings menu.
  • Fix some mistakes and oversights in the script files:
    • Fix the Antlions that are spawning underground so that they make sounds.
    • Fix some minor typos for the files of the 'Demon King'. (The one spawning from the Demon Dice)
    • Fix the Cheshire Cat's behavior during a particular encounter.
  • Fix the console scrolling bar so that it shows up.
  • Improved: 'FixProton': Now restarts the engine immediately after initialization, rather than later in the start process.
  • Improved: 'UseConsoleTitleScreen': Allows for additional keys to skip the title screen.
  • Improved: 'ConsolePortHUD': Adjust the horizontal position of the HUD depending on the aspect ratio.
  • Overhaul of the scaling process to make it more efficient and less hacky.

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