Released on April 19th 2021.
- The auto_translate management command has now a parameter for specifying translation mode.
- Added support for TXT files.
- Added trends and metrics for all objects.
- Added support for direct copying text from secondary languages.
- Added date filtering when browsing changes.
- Improved activity charts.
- Sender for contact form e-mails can now be configured.
- Improved parameters validation in component creation API.
- The rate limiting no longer applies to superusers.
- Improved automatic translation addon performance and reliability.
- The rate limiting now can be customized in the Docker container.
- API for creating components now automatically uses Weblate internal URLs.
- Simplified state indication while listing strings.
- Password hashing now uses Argon2 by default.
- Simplified progress bars indicating translation status.
- Renamed Add missing languages addon to clarify the purpose.
- Fixed saving string state to XLIFF.
- Added language-wide search.
- Initial support for scaling horizontall the Docker deployment.