github WXRIW/Lyricify-App mobile-v1.4.1
Lyricify Mobile v1.4.1-release

latest releases: v4.3.4, mobile-v1.4.3, v3.8.8...
8 months ago

热烈庆祝中华人民共和国成立 74 周年


Lyricify Mobile Android 直接下载 .apk 安装即可。
Lyricify Mobile iOS 可在下载 .ipa 后参考本教程进行安装。


  1. Lyricify Mobile iOS 正式到来。
  2. 全新歌词搜索引擎,支持 QQ 音乐和网易云音乐。
  3. 添加图片缓存,加快加载速度。
  4. 多处细节优化,带来全新体验。
  5. 优化登录体验,减少崩溃发生。

Change Log:

  1. [Add] New About page.
  2. [Fix] Block iOS auto sleep (IdleTimer).
  3. [Fix] Lyricify Mobile icon for iOS.
  4. [Fix] Optimize layout for iOS (Status Bar height aware, scrolling view, and more).
  5. [Fix] Breathing Dots pulling effect.
  6. [Fix] Better background cover.
  7. [Add] Support for zh-SG.
  8. [Fix] Status Bar color in iOS.
  9. [Add] Album artwork shadow in iOS.
  10. [Add] Use QQ Music word-by-word lyrics for better experience.
  11. [Fix] Optimize pulling effect for iOS.
  12. [Fix] Something with login.
  13. [Info] This is the first pre-release for donaters on iOS.
  14. [Fix] Operation notification not disappearing on iOS.
  15. [Add] Clear lyrics at loading.
  16. [Fix] Font weight selected for track info.
  17. [Change] Use a newer version of SF Pro Display.
  18. [Fix] Crash caused by DJ.
  19. [Fix] iOS rapid toast display.
  20. [Add] ru-RU i18n.
  21. [Add] Brand-new lyrics searcher.
  22. [Fix] Instrumental detection.
  23. [Fix] Quick scrolling detection in Pulling Effect.
  24. [Fix] First line scrolling animation issue.
  25. [Add] Image cache for faster loading.
  26. [Fix] Some translations.
  27. [Add] Thanks page.
  28. [Fix] Some layout issue in Android.

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