github WXRIW/Lyricify-App lite-v1.0.0
Lyricify Lite v1.0.0-release

latest release: v4.3.20
one day ago

Lyricify Lite Ver

建议安装有独享功能的 Microsoft Store 版本

We suggest installing Microsoft Store version with exclusive features.


  1. 歌词从未如此生动。

Change Log:

  1. Lyrics has never been this vivid.

用户指南 / User Guide

If you have any questions or would like more information, please read the User Guide (Chinese).

我应该下载哪个文件呢 / Which file should I download

我们建议所有用户下载 Lyricify Lite Setup (.exe),而非 Lyricify Lite (.7z)(如果你遇到了安装问题,建议尝试 Lyricify Lite (.7z))。不要下载 pack-updatepack-full,因为它是做自动更新用途的。
文件名中的 x86, x64, arm64 对应了不同架构。目前大多数设备都是 x64 架构。
其中,扩展名为 .exe 的是安装包,.7z 是绿色版(文件名中包含 self-contained 的是自带 .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime 的版本),.Portable.7z 是便携版。

如果不知道应该选择什么版本,则建议直接安装 Microsoft Store 版本

We suggest all users to download Lyricify Lite Setup (.exe), rather than Lyricify Lite (.7z) (If you are having issues with installation process, we suggest you to try Lyricify Lite (.7z)). Do not download pack-update or pack-full, because it's for auto update use.
x86, x64, arm64 in the file name mean corresponding target platform architecture. Currently, most devices are using x64 architecture.
Extension .exe is setup, .7z is packed (green) version (file name that contains self-contained means .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime contained version), .Portable.7z is portable version.

If you don't know which version to install, Microsoft Store version should be the best choice for you.

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