- Enhanced Template Mode - Use HA Jinja2 temaplate true/false statements to make the icons go active or inactive. For example {{ states('sensor.your_sensor_name') | float < 80 }} well look to see if your sensor is below 80 and if so will set the icon active. Big handshakes going out to @BlueWebber for the help with this crazy code.
- Improved Config UI - It looks so good you could actually make a promise to it to be there for better or worse.
- Fixed No Icon Wrapper - now when selecting no icon it will not keep the icon blank space. Thanks Martin for being annoying. If you took offense to that, I meant the other Martin.
- Fix extra padding around Double Column layout - put that baby on the treadmill!
- Added Custom State Labels - Now when selecting a Icon Label Position other than None it will pop up custom label fields where you can add your own custom labels to pop up. Don't you dare use this to put naughty words in there.... I am serious!
- Fixed formatting for HA Fuel/Battery Level.
- Fix hex fields from not allowing to delete numbers for color picker.
Dear random Chris who wanted to be a hotshot and donate $$$, I see you. You must be the 1% using my card to see if their new jet is fueled 100% before taking a trip to some island somewhere. I get it, you want me to put more time in to this and make it even better. I appreciate the tip and I look forward to seeing if I can't make this card even better!
To all of you in my Discord group, you all are amazing. You guys also are a pain in my ass but still pretty amazing, especially that one guy... You know who you are.... Big handshakes all around to you all! Join us anytime - https://discord.gg/6xVgHxzzBV