github Vuepic/vue-datepicker v6.1.0

latest releases: v8.8.1, v8.8.0, v8.7.0...
10 months ago

🚀 Feature

  • Added config prop, grouping general configuration (#556)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where no-disabled-rage prop is ignored with auto-range (#555)
  • Fixed issue where disabled-dates for utc="preserve" are not appropriately mapped (#560)
  • Fixed typings for format and preview-format props(#561)

🔧 Refactor

The following props have been deprecated in favor of the config prop

  • close-on-scroll
  • mode-height
  • allow-prevent-default
  • close-on-clear-value
  • close-on-auto-apply
  • no-swipe
  • keep-action-row
  • on-click-outside

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