0.3.0-beta.0 (2019-09-08)
Bug Fixes
- add guard for profile commit (84218fa)
- disable the switch user option if there is non (2f853f7)
- fail of game profiles due to empty (7fc086c)
- let task batch fire on threshold (8a7094e)
- let the task update the failure to message (fa84f2d)
- not end task if the fix is finished (4aeddfb)
- only check security on mojang (83d5c5f)
- other setting save (d5b026e)
- prevent infinity loop on fixing unfixable problems (f4808ea)
- profile deletion (9862d49)
- remove useless profile ids (b59389e)
- temp disable the azure replacement (003d10f)
- try prevent crash on author assign (94ca271)
- curseforge: wrong title font (69be34c)
- diagnose: add forge and provide a workaround (91d46eb)
- diagnose: infinity loop and missingModsOnServer (63ec558)
- diagnose: make incompatibleJava not autofix (d6828cc)
- diagnose: optimize the diagnose progress (5b10cd9)
- forge: adapt new forge installation (e48f99b)
- forge: forge list refresh condition (0768e8f)
- launch: now will only check problem once (a995bab)
- locale: add missing login string (4f50718)
- locale: lib and forge text (9e9fb8c)
- locale: make the lib text display for multiple case (ca3b13d)
- setting: the setting not loaded (84c35a4)
- task: simplify the error msg (34ebdc8)
- ui: crash dialog binding (0ab72c9)
- ui: dialog task close (6cafb5d)
- ui: revert the width of launching dialog (e92f9b4)
- ui: wrong progress display (e1ffb9d)
- version: make launcher store a default full version (821ceea)
- use bmcl api not saved (4cc226a)