On previous build, colors of most items (hues, in UO terms) were almost completely broken because the hue texture generation was not working properly and I had imported pre-generated hue textures for some shard, which obviously didn't work with the custom hues on other shards. Now the hue is generated properly but there's still some inaccuracy with choosing the right hues. In general, it should be much better though.
The UO file downloader now supports downloading on port 443, for HTTPS connections.
If you copy over your UO files via USB instead of downloading them, you no longer have to "Mark Files as Downloaded" before the copy step but can also do it afterwards.
Old client versions are now detected to show the old style status gump instead of the modern one. Without this fix, the status gump did not appear at all when playing on shards that expected older client versions.
You can now use the Quit button in the login screen to go back to Server selection and choose a diffferent server/shard to play on.