github ViewComponent/view_component v3.0.0

latest releases: v3.21.0, v3.20.0, v3.19.0...
22 months ago

1,000+ days and 100+ releases later, the 200+ contributors to ViewComponent are proud to ship v3.0.0!

We're so grateful for all the work of community members to get us to this release. Whether it’s filing bug reports, designing APIs in long-winded discussion threads, or writing code itself, ViewComponent is built by the community, for the community. We couldn’t be more proud of what we’re building together ❤️

This release makes the following breaking changes, many of which have long been deprecated:

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated slots setter methods. Use with_SLOT_NAME instead.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated SlotsV1 in favor of current SlotsV2.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated content_areas feature. Use Slots instead.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated support for loading ViewComponent engine manually. Make sure require "view_component/engine" is removed from Gemfile.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated generate_* methods. Use generate.* instead.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated with_variant method.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated rendered_component in favor of rendered_content.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated config.preview_path in favor of config.preview_paths.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Support Ruby 2.7+ instead of 2.4+

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Remove deprecated before_render_check.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Change counter variable to start iterating from 0 instead of 1.

    Frank S

  • BREAKING: #SLOT_NAME getter no longer accepts arguments. This change was missed as part of the earlier deprecation in 3.0.0.rc1.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Raise TranslateCalledBeforeRenderError, ControllerCalledBeforeRenderError, or HelpersCalledBeforeRenderError instead of ViewContextCalledBeforeRenderError.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Raise SlotPredicateNameError, RedefinedSlotError, ReservedSingularSlotNameError, ContentSlotNameError, InvalidSlotDefinitionError, ReservedPluralSlotNameError, ContentAlreadySetForPolymorphicSlotErrror, SystemTestControllerOnlyAllowedInTestError, SystemTestControllerNefariousPathError, NoMatchingTemplatesForPreviewError, MultipleMatchingTemplatesForPreviewError, DuplicateContentError, EmptyOrInvalidInitializerError, MissingCollectionArgumentError, ReservedParameterError, InvalidCollectionArgumentError, MultipleInlineTemplatesError, MissingPreviewTemplateError, DuplicateSlotContentError or NilWithContentError instead of generic error classes.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Rename SlotV2 to Slot and SlotableV2 to Slotable.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Incorporate PolymorphicSlots into Slotable. To migrate, remove any references to PolymorphicSlots as they are no longer necessary.

    Joel Hawksley

  • BREAKING: Rename private TestHelpers#controller, #build_controller, #request, and #preview_class to avoid conflicts. Note: While these methods were undocumented and marked as private, they were accessible in tests. As such, we're considering this to be a breaking change.

    Joel Hawksley

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