github Video-Miner/Releases go-livepeer-0.5.38_videominer-1.2.1-391428ae

latest releases: 0.7.9-1.2.4-813178e3, 0.7.8-1.2.4-2e3fae7a, 0.7.6-1.2.4-9aa73f78...
22 months ago
  • Rebased on the latest version of go-livepeer.
  • Client based Orchestrator discovery. Transcoders will now ping Orchestrators and connect to the closest one.
  • Implemented blocker for transcoders running old Video Miner versions to be activated one week after release.
  • Reworked transcoder selection algorithm: distributes tougher, higher paying work to transcoders who perform well while still trying to keep lower performing transcoders busy with easier streams.
  • Transcoders can now set their session limit manually if desired by adding the -maxSessions flag, up to 10 sessions (default is 10).

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