github VictoriaMetrics/operator v0.45.0

latest release: v0.43.6-rc2
20 days ago

v0.45.0 - 10 Jun 2024

  • operator: expose only command-line flags related to the operator. Remove all transitive dependency flags. See this issue for details.
  • vmalertmanager: ignores content of cr.spec.configSecret if it's name clashes with secret used by operator for storing alertmanager config. See this issue for details.
  • operator: remove finalizer for child objects with non-empty DeletetionTimestamp. See this issue for details.
  • operator: skip storageClass check if there is no PVC size change. See this issue for details.
  • vmauth: fix url when default http port is changed in targetRef. See this issue for details.
  • vmauth: fix deployment when custom reloader is used. See this pull request.
  • prometheus-converter: removed dependence on getting the list of API resources for all API groups in the cluster (including those that are not used by the operator). Now API resources are requested only for the required groups (*).
  • alertmanagerconfig-converter: fix alertmanagerconfig converting with receiver opsgenie_configs. See this issue.

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