Changes since v0.28.5
- vmcluster: reconcile VMStorage in VMCluster even if PodDisruptionBudget does not exist by @miketth in #535
- crash on Kubernetes 1.25 by @miketth in #536
- throttling for vmagent and vmalert 63ca52b
- vmalertmanagerconfig: parsing for nested routes f2bc0c0 9472f1f
- vmalertmanagerconfig: ownerreference set correctly 2bb5d02
- vmagent: allows to set maxDiskUsage more then 1GB 47f2b50
- vmagent: properly merge ports for additional service 05d332d
- vmprobe: correctly set labels for ingress targets 976315c
- podDistruptionBudget: adds configurable selectors 4f3f5ea
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.28.5...v0.29.0