github VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics v1.79.4

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18 months ago



Released at 07-10-2022

v1.79.x is a line of LTS releases (e.g. long-time support). It contains important up-to-date bugfixes.
The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since v1.79.0 release

Update note 1: vmalert changes default value for command-line flag -datasource.queryStep from 0s to 5m. The change supposed to improve reliability of the rules evaluation when evaluation interval is lower than scraping interval.

  • FEATURE: expose vmagent_remotewrite_queues metric and use it in alerting rules in order to improve the detection of remote storage connection saturation. See this pull request.

  • BUGFIX: do not export stale metrics via /federate api after the staleness markers. Previously such metrics were exported with NaN values. this could break some setups. See this issue.

  • BUGFIX: vmauth: properly handle request paths ending with / such as /vmui/. Previously vmui was dropping the traling /, which could prevent from using vmui via vmauth. See this issue.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly encode query params for aws signed requests, use %20 instead of + as api requires. See this issue.

  • BUGFIX: MetricsQL: properly calculate rate_over_sum(m[d]) as sum_over_time(m[d])/d. Previously the sum_over_time(m[d]) could be improperly divided by smaller than d time range. See rate_over_sum() docs and this issue.

  • BUGFIX: MetricsQL: properly calculate increase(m[d]) over slow-changing counters with values smaller than 100. Previously increase could return unexpectedly big results in this case. See the related issue and this pull request.

  • BUGFIX: MetricsQL: ignore empty series when applying limit_offset. It should improve queries with additional filters by value in expressions like limit_offset(1,1, foo > 1).

  • BUGFIX: MetricsQL: properly calculate quantiles_over_time when the lookbehind window contains only a single sample. Previously an empty result was incorrectly returned in this case.

  • BUGFIX: vmui: fix RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error when the query returns too many data points at Table view. See this pull request.

  • BUGFIX: vmalert: re-evaluate annotations per each alert evaluation. Previously, annotations were evaluated only on alert's value ch
    ange. This could result in stale annotations in some cases described in this pull request.

  • BUGFIX: prevent from excessive CPU usage when the storage enters read-only mode. The previous fix in v1.79.3 wasn't complete.

  • BUGFIX: vmalert: change default value for command-line flag -datasource.queryStep from 0s to 5m. Param step is added by vmalert to every rule evaluation request sent to datasource. Before this change, step was equal to group's evaluation interval by default. Param step for instant queries defines how far VM can look back for the last written data point. The change supposed to improve reliability of the rules evaluation when evaluation interval is lower than scraping interval.

  • BUGFIX: properly calculate vm_rows_scanned_per_query histogram exported at /metrics page of vmselect and single-node VictoriaMetrics. Previously it could return misleadingly high numbers for rollup functions, which scan only a few samples on the provided lookbehind window in square brackets. For example, increase(m[1d]) always scans only 2 rows (aka raw samples) per each returned time series.

See full changelog.

How to run VictoriaMetrics

Unpack the victoria-metrics-*.tar.gz archive and read these docs.

vmutils-*.tag.gz archive contains the following tools:

vmutils-*-enterprise.tar.gz archive contains the following additional enterprise tools:

The corresponding docker images are available here.
Cluster version is available here.

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