github VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics v0.19.0-victorialogs

latest releases: v0.20.2-victorialogs, v0.20.1-victorialogs, v0.20.0-victorialogs...
6 days ago

Released at 2024-06-11

  • FEATURE: do not allow starting the filter with pipe names and stats function names. This prevents from unexpected results returned by incorrect queries, which miss mandatory filter.

  • FEATURE: treat unexpected syslog message as RFC3164 containing only the message field when using unpack_syslog pipe.

  • FEATURE: allow using where prefix instead of filter prefix in filter pipe.

  • FEATURE: disallow unescaped ! char in LogsQL queries, since it permits writing incorrect query, which may look like correct one. For example, foo!:bar instead of foo:!bar.

  • FEATURE: web UI: add markdown support to the Group view. See this pull request.

  • BUGFIX: return back the improved performance for queries with * filters (aka SELECT *). This has been broken in v0.16.0.

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