github VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics v0.15.0-victorialogs

one month ago

Released at 2024-05-30

  • FEATURE: add row_any function for stats pipe. This function returns a sample log entry per every calculated group of results.

  • FEATURE: add default operator to math pipe. It allows overriding NaN results with the given default value.

  • FEATURE: add exp() and ln() functions to math pipe.

  • FEATURE: allow omitting result name in math pipe expresions. In this case the result name is automatically set to string representation of the corresponding math expression. For example, _time:5m | math duration / 1000 is equivalent to _time:5m | math (duration / 1000) as "duration / 1000".

  • FEATURE: allow omitting result name in stats pipe. In this case the result name is automatically set to string representation of the corresponding stats function expression. For example, _time:5m | count(*) is valid LogsQL query now. It is equivalent to _time:5m | stats count(*) as "count(*)".

  • BUGFIX: properly calculate the number of matching rows in * | field_values x | stats count() rows and in * | unroll (x) | stats count() rows queries.

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