github VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics v0.12.0-victorialogs

one month ago

Released at 2024-05-26

  • FEATURE: add pack_json pipe, which packs all the log fields into a JSON object and stores it into the given field.

  • FEATURE: add unroll pipe, which can be used for unrolling JSON arrays stored in log fields.

  • FEATURE: add replace_regexp pipe, which allows updating log fields with regular expressions.

  • FEATURE: improve performance for format and extract pipes.

  • FEATURE: improve performance for /select/logsql/field_names HTTP API.

  • BUGFIX: prevent from panic in sort pipe when VictoriaLogs runs on a system with one CPU core.

  • BUGFIX: do not return referenced fields if they weren't present in the original logs. For example, _time:5m | format if (non_existing_field:"") "abc" could return empty non_exiting_field, while it shuldn't be returned because it is missing in the original logs.

  • BUGFIX: properly initialize values for in(...) filter inside filter pipe if the in(...) contains other filters. For example, _time:5m | filter ip:in(user_type:admin | fields ip) now works correctly.

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