github Velocidex/velociraptor v0.4.5
Release 0.4.5

latest releases: v0.72, v0.7.1, v0.7.0-3...
4 years ago

This is the next point release for Velociraptor - Digging deeper! This release introduces a number of new features as well as bug fixes and performance enhancements. Thanks everyone for reporting issues through the issue board and Discord!

This release includes a number of UI improvements - the most interesting is the context sensitive suggestions in the notebook editor. Command completion in the editor is now context sensitive - so it completes depending on where the cursor is:

SELECT * FROM ? <--- complete plugin names.
SELECT * FROM pslist(? <--- complete pslist args
SELECT * FROM Artifacts.Windows.Sys.Users(? <-- completes artifact parameters.

elsewhere complete VQL functions and local variables.

Typing ? anywhere will show all current possibilities.


As always please file issues on the bug tracker or ask questions on our mailing list . You can also chat with us directly on discord

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