github Vali-98/ChatterUI v0.8.0

latest releases: v0.8.6-beta4, v0.8.6-beta3, v0.8.6-beta2...
4 months ago


This is a cumulative update for the last few betas with all the new UI changes, management additions and local model features. For those who were following the 0.8.0 task list, some changes were dropped due to the scope of this update ballooning, so those will be relegated to a later update.

This is a big UI/UX overhaul for Character, Chat, Model and User card management, and adds a lot of features to further customize your experience!


  • Merged Recent Chats and Character List. Now the Character List is the default view of the app.
  • Moved the Chat History screen to a drawer - this lets you quickly create and manage your chats and makes this list less hidden.
  • Chat logs now have names (by default, its New Chat). You can rename these as needed.
  • You can Clone chats! This doesn't fully resolve the requests for proper chat forking and tree dialogue, but it has a similar use.
  • Added a Portrait viewer when clicking on a character's / user's avatar in chat
  • Generated text should properly update a specific chat entry, rather than replace whichever is the current last chat entry loaded.


  • Added a new Character List menu:
    • You can now sort by Recent or Alphabetical order
    • Added a search bar to the character list
    • You can now clone characters
    • List now previews the most recent chat reply and the date of the most recent chat
  • Improved the Character Card editor:
    • Added personality, scenario, example messages and alternate greeting fields to the editor
      • Using Personality and Scenario in generations can also now be toggled in the Instruct menu.
    • Character name is now editable
    • Added option to delete and create new alternate greetings
    • Added option to remove character portrait
    • Removed the auto-save that triggered on the editor screen
    • Added an unsaved changes check to prevent you backout out without saving or discarding
  • You can now import multiple character cards at a time (Just don't import 300 in one go. You know who you are)
  • Fixed UTF8 cards having broken symbols when imported.


  • Merged the UserList and UserEditor screens into one, the User List is now a drawer in the User editor menu.
  • Added ability to rename your User.
  • Similar to Characters, you can now delete your User portrait.

Remote and Local Mode

The app now splits Remote and Local modes in the main Options drawer:
- Local Mode lets you customize and use your local models on your device.
- Remote Mode lets you connect to various supported APIs

Remote Mode

This mode is identical to previous versions of ChatterUI's API manager. The only difference is that the Local api option has been moved to Local Mode instead. In future, a bigger API manager rework is planned to allow users to create custom API definitions (mostly because I don't want to integrate every single API under the sun)

Local Mode

  • Added a model list heavily inspired by Pocket Pal. This list will show metadata about your model extracted directly out of the GGUF file.

  • Added Use External Model - this option adds a model that will load it from your device storage without needing to copy it into ChatterUI.

  • Added a Model Settings Page:

    • CPU Settings (Max Context, Threads, Batch) have been moved here
    • Local Specific app settings (Autoload and Save KV) have been moved here
    • Added a Supported Quantization header to show compatibility with Q4_0_4_8 and Q4_0_4_4 models.
  • Sync'd llama.cpp with a newer build. This also introduces XTC sampling to local mode.

Other Changes:

  • Changed Alerts to use an in-app component instead of the default Android alerts
  • Streamlined many components for future maintainability and to unify app design.
  • Changed many icons to use AntDesign for uniform icon look.
  • Added last_output_prefix to Instruct format
  • Added a last_modified field to Chats and Characters for sorting purposes.
  • Allowed user-defined SSL certs.
  • Moved user card to zustand persist
  • Created a unified component for showing default avatar icons when no portrait is present
  • Made Drawers, SectionTitles, SwitchWithTitle / Description, FadeBackdrop and many duplicated components to standalone components.
  • Updated with updated app screenshots.


  • Fixed an issue where migrating from 0.7.10 and a few betas would crash due to the Local Model mmkv value being incorrect.
  • Made the options drawer scrollable

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