- 📄 Slightly optimise cleanupCancelledInstallation(). 62ef02b @V10lator
- 📄 Fix installerMenu(). 857c330 @V10lator
- 📄 Rewrite fileBrowserMenu(). 3026cf3 @V10lator
- 📄 Rewrite intSetMenuLanguage(). 922eb6e @V10lator
- 📄 EXPERIMENTAL: Use sizeof() instead of strlen() whenever possible. 1ac7307 @V10lator
- 📄 clang-format. c8d0049 @V10lator
- 📄 Rewrite unzipUpdate(). ba6373f @V10lator
- 📄 Disable some compiler warnings. eb0b815 @V10lator
- 📄 Fix some compiler warnings. 8c39b5f @V10lator
- 📄 Updater: Sleep a bit after removing old .wuhb file. df6bdce @V10lator
- 📄 Ignore undefined in WUT headers. 6671d5a @V10lator
- 📄 clang-format. bc81bb0 @V10lator
- 📄 Bump wiiu-env/devkitppc from 20231112 to 20240505 3d47685 @dependabot-bot
- 📄 Update github workflows. fd87f29 @V10lator
- 📄 Downgrade SDL. 4b25841 @V10lator
- 📄 Bump libmocha and librpxloader. 3e4f193 @V10lator
- 📄 Fix 4b25841 01dd0f8 @V10lator
- 📄 Italian translation 1e329df @Magneticdud
- 📄 Reapply "Wire in italian language file." 610cdd0 @V10lator
- 📄 Bump libCURL. 04334a8 @V10lator
- 📄 Dockerfile: Small tuning. 4ac67c0 @V10lator
- 📄 Sleep one frame if the UI thread can't get the lock while downloading. 7949398 @V10lator
- 📄 Keep core 2 free for downloads. de932f2 @V10lator
- 📄 Exchange core 0 and 2. d665330 @V10lator
- 📄 Use custom SDL patch. d79856d @V10lator
- 📄 Docker: Remove apt-fast. 1410e41 @V10lator
- 📄 shorter texts to fit the screen 2c804ed @Magneticdud