github Unleash/unleash v5.7.0

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6 months ago

Release Notes - Version 5.7.0

New Features:

  • Dependent Feature Flags: Enables evaluation of certain flags based on other flags (pro and enterprise customers).
  • Playground Improvements: Enhances the playground by displaying disabled strategies in results and simplifying playground access configuration (for environments and projects) with an access token input.
  • Project Metrics: Adds an overview for each feature toggle, showing the time taken for the feature flag to reach production, calculated from its creation to its first activation in a 'production' environment (enterprise only)
  • Last Seen by Environment: Reveals the 'last seen at' metric for each feature environment.
  • Banners: Allows customers to configure banners for display on their Unleash instance, visible to all users (enterprise only)

Important: To have a no-error migration from 5.6 to 5.7 and a safe rollback from 5.7 to 5.6 we recommend to first upgrade OSS version for 5.6 to 5.6.10 and then to 5.7.0.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements!

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