github Unleash/unleash v5.10.0

latest releases: v6.0.4, v6.0.3, v6.0.2...
3 months ago

New Features

Schedule configuration changes

Change requests that have been approved can now be scheduled for a delayed application. Scheduled change requests can be rescheduled, applied immediately, or rejected.

Cleanup users / manual flow

You can now see users that have not been active (not logged in or used a token in last 6 months) and delete them in bulk

Bug: Project Privilege escalation

Users allowed to assign roles can now only assign roles they can access themselves. This locks down our permission system to prevent users from granting themselves roles they should not have

Enhance change request overview with deleted strategy info

When you delete a strategy in a change request, you'll now be able to see the strategy configuration in its entirety before applying it. This makes it easier to see exactly what you'll be deleting by applying a change request.

Improve conflict handling in CR

If a strategy, segment, or environment-level variant that's being updated in a change request has been changed since the change request had its relevant changes added, Unleash will now give a you a little heads up on the change request overview. You'll be able to see what the current configuration is and what it would be after applying your change request. Additionally, Unleash will suspend any scheduled change requests if it detects that a strategy, segment, or environmen-level variant has been updated after the change request was scheduled. All of this is to make it clearer to the user when a change request would introduce potentially unexpected changes.

Strategy configuration updates

Strategy configuration is now broken up into 3 sections: General, Targeting and Variants. This is to make it easier to have an overview over strategy configuration and to keep each section clean and uncluttered.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements.

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