IPFS hash of the deployment:
- CIDv0:
- CIDv1:
The latest release is always mirrored at app.uniswap.org.
You can also access the Uniswap Interface from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage
to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our hosted deployment of the latest release at app.uniswap.org.
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.
IPFS gateways:
- https://bafybeiftapnx2v22vqpsgpku7zcmtzqgiiprtl2pkflgk2jjuxd6qgdg2a.ipfs.dweb.link/
- https://bafybeiftapnx2v22vqpsgpku7zcmtzqgiiprtl2pkflgk2jjuxd6qgdg2a.ipfs.cf-ipfs.com/
- ipfs://QmaPT6h33BUhgGwUtAG9Rw1LbXHzqoHFUdYX7vcUsCr8Xq/
4.252.0 (2023-07-26)
- add apple-app-site-association (#6957) (65fe8d4)
- add opt out analytics (#6983) (9262fec)
- add tracking params and go straight to app store for iOS for the landing page wallet CTA (#6732) (83172dc)
- cloudflare worker to inject meta tags (#6901) (ef28667)
- disconnect button hides after hover out, click away, and improv… (#6968) (0ca68bb)
- Sort chains based on user relevance (#6915) (52796fc)
- sort tokens in selector by USD value (#6744) (3ed3ed4)
Bug Fixes
- chain query parameter doesn't block you from switching chains (#6926) (34a22ef)
- Clear input and output when wrapping and unwrapping (#6913) (803eb46)
- do not cache gql across CI (#6963) (3a0c4ad)
- duck type error checking (#6924) (0ced5f2)
- format currency amounts as strings in logging (#6966) (01e8765)
- improve v2 network support (#7015) (dc5775e)
- log opt in impression (#6959) (ca02a6b)
- purchase tweet url (#6987) (ff3bcc4)
- remove new badge from Uniswap Wallet (#6911) (0efb7f5)
- remove shadow and gap on mobile (#6906) (55bf30c)
- Resolve Babel dependency warning (#6961) (04884fe)
- show logos on warned tokens (#6978) (2ef9e9b)
- Silence linter warnings for GA (#6962) (8956fba)
- staging hotfixes for price range and search bar (#7003) (6b99656), closes #6994 #6996
- swap divide by zero (#6922) (b722a20)
- token img loading state (#6984) (5e86cf7)
- uniswap wallet deeplinking (#7016) (95bb70c)
- uniswapx opt in double bounce animation (#6964) (95f6148)
- update depedencies to fix avax/bnb routing (#6974) (b906cdd)
- update safety check cache time (#7014) (e454521)
- update text in ConfirmSwapModal (#6971) (430356d)
- using search hotkey enter navigates to the wrong result (#6735) (1c50460)
- v2 liquidity divide by zero (#6921) (9b5261a)