github UniqueNetwork/unique-chain v930034
Release v930034

latest releases: v10030070, v10010064, v10010063...
2 years ago

What's New

AppPromotion pallet is now live on Quartz

Introducing AppPromotion staking on our blockchain! With AppPromotion, you can earn rewards for supporting the security and decentralization of our network. Simply stake and participate in the validation of transactions to earn a passive income. Staking is a great way to get involved in the growth and success of our blockchain and your favorite apps. Plus, it’s easy to get started – just hold onto your tokens and start earning rewards today!

Full Changelog: v930033...v930034


  • @unique-nft/unique-mainnet-types@930.34.0
  • @unique-nft/quartz-mainnet-types@930.34.0
  • @unique-nft/sapphire-mainnet-types@930.34.0
  • @unique-nft/opal-testnet-types@930.34.0


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.


🏋️ Runtime size: 1.054 MB (1,105,202 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes, 80.07%
✨ Reserved meta: OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🔥 Core version: quartz-930034 (quartz-0.tx2.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash: 0x9e6f2d2990a0a96e8280e0a5a4a238cb10b40fc56b08514ff7934ceabc565d00
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xb3d41b44ce42ffbe9b36b1e343d82da2ce6e8167a7d869118a399b2c9b4075d9
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash: 0x3efff6bd5ae91384a8a258a85f5fef6a0b85086ac9b7d47003976dba4dc438dc


🏋️ Runtime size: 1.052 MB (1,103,588 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes, 80.12%
✨ Reserved meta: OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🔥 Core version: sapphire-930034 (sapphire-0.tx2.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash: 0x17e473a75aae9fd5aaa73a5edb36501101cd8ee53a7064f032e7a50b20a172ec
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xf9ad081f29f83df76e4905ebfb278a4a66d3dd6cafc6b4bc8a02a94f82a2d95f
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash: 0x9b79d891be161a3bd8965acc9450928486378299ec165fed74506ce7dddb8d3c


🏋️ Runtime size: 1.052 MB (1,102,846 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes, 80.13%
✨ Reserved meta: OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🔥 Core version: opal-930034 (opal-0.tx2.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash: 0xf6b6f33d4a0c42e32a9bf2230ecdb68e47fcd06e8dbfff62e526d64eee56044e
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x3c438cf25ffb3c3f7ab34747cdd89c4ed44119478c4bdb582bcfdfd64bfb1f87
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash: 0xbdbbd2cfbf5ebbdeaf5229dce0d32ce0ba74bca343be273d83648f852f93c772

Rust compiler versions

This release was built and tested against the following version of rustc.
Other versions may work.

  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.64.0-nightly (7fe022f5a 2022-07-24)

Docker image


The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub

You may pull it using:
docker pull uniquenetwork/quartz-node-public:release-v930034


The docker image quartz-testnet-local for this release can be found at Docker hub

You may pull it using:
docker pull uniquenetwork/quartz-testnet-local:v930034


The docker image opal-testnet-local for this release can be found at Docker hub

You may pull it using:
docker pull uniquenetwork/opal-testnet-local:v930034

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