github UltimateHackingKeyboard/firmware v8.2.4

latest releases: v11.1.0, v11.0.2, v11.0.1...
6 years ago

Device Protocol: 4.3.1 | Module Protocol: 4.0.0 | User Config: 4.0.1 | Hardware Config: 1.0.0

  • Fix the bug that made the hardware and user configuration not load from the EEPROM on some hosts right after firmware update.
  • Set the signature of the hardware config to "FTY" in the RAM when the keyboard is in factory reset mode, allowing Agent to be aware of the factory reset state. DEVICEPROTOCOL:PATCH
  • Load the hardware and user configuration from the EEPROM even in factory reset mode.
  • Set key debounce timeout from 60ms to 80ms. This should further reduce key chattering.

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