github Tzahi12345/YoutubeDL-Material v4.1
YoutubeDL-Material v4.1

latest releases: v4.3.2, v4.3.1, v4.3...
3 years ago

New update inbound! This one is focused on bug fixes and accessibility improvements. Subscriptions got its third iterative update as well, so we hope you enjoy those features as well. Since the last update, our Docker pulls have grown almost 600%, we're almost at 1 million now! Thank you everyone for your support, suggestions, bug fixes, and PR's. It's been amazing!

New features

  • Subscriptions v3!
    • You can now use custom args and file outputs for subscriptions
    • Added ability to make subscription audio-only - thanks @Code-Slave for this suggestion!
    • Subscription videos are now stored in the DB, meaning the list of videos should load quicker and additional features like subscription video sharing can be added in the future
  • You can now input and use your YouTube cookies in YoutubeDL-Material using the new cookies uploader in the settings
    • This allows you to download private videos and playlists
    • It may prevent 429 errors from occuring for some users
  • New playlist modification dialog
    • Change the playlist name, the videos in the playlist, and their order. Thanks @bodzio4749 for inspiring this!
  • Docker build now runs as non-root by default, adding an extra layer of security
  • Support for the German language

Minor additions

  • Added Safe download override checkbox in the settings which will force the backend to use the safer downloading option
    • If you enable this override, you will lose the ability to see download progress
  • Added ability to clear all downloads from a session in the downloads manager
  • The ID for videos in the file manager will now by default use the youtube ID, rather than the file name - thanks @CountParadox for suggesting this!
  • Pressing enter in the URL input will now trigger a download
  • If you delete a video that was downloaded with a thumbnail, the thumbnail will autodelete as well - Thanks @GlassedSilver for recommending this!

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that prevented sharing videos with non-users if multi-user mode was enabled
  • Fixed bug that caused the server to crash when attempting to update youtube-dl
  • Fixed bug where updating a user's password would update the admin's password instead - thanks @UnlimitedCookies for finding this one!
  • @web-connect fixed a typo in the logger section of the settings, thank you!
  • Fixed several bugs preventing non-YT videos from download - thanks @CountParadox for submitting bug reports on this front!

That's all for this update (hope I didn't miss anything). In the next update, we'll hopefully see a redesign of the home screen with a unified view of subscription and non-subscription downloads, focusing on providing a much stronger user experience. If you'd like to read more or provide input, you can see the issue here. Cheers!

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