github Twingate/terraform-provider-twingate v3.0.0

latest releases: v3.0.6, v3.0.5, v3.0.4...
2 months ago

Breaking changes

The access attribute in the twingate_resource Resource has been separated into access_group and access_service attributes. Groups and Service Account access much be specified via their respective block. Additionally, only a single group can be specified in a single access_group block.

These changes enable specifying Security Policies onaccess_group blocks:

twingate_resource "resource" {
  name = "network"
  address = ""
  remote_network_id =
  security_policy_id =

  // Previously in v2.x.x
  access {
    group_ids = []
    service_account_ids = []
  // From v3.0.0 and newer
  // Group access is now assigned via the `access_group` block
  access_group {
      security_policy_id =
      group_id =
  // To assign access to multiple groups, use a `dynamic` block
  dynamic access_group {
    for_each = toset([,])
    content {
      security_policy_id =
      group_id = access.value.key
  // Service accounts are now assigned via the `service_access` block
  // Service accounts do not use policies and, as such, one cannot be specified
  access_service {
    service_account_id =

What's Changed

  • Added support for policies in Resource access blocks by @vmanilo in #500

Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v3.0.0

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