github TumblThreeApp/TumblThree v2.7.0

latest releases: v2.14.1, v2.14.0, v2.13.0...
2 years ago

Added in this version:

  • Add tooltips to the blog list header
  • New column showing number of newly downloaded items since last run (issue #135)
  • New option to choose download format (PNG/JPG) for .pnj links (issue #231)
  • Offline collections can be cached for global duplicate checks

Changed in this version:

  • Change translations of columns in the blog list (issue #135)

Fixed in this version:

  • Dragging multiple lines in the queue view not working
  • Referenced file indexes of removed and archived blogs aren't updated
  • App window is closed long before app finishes shutdown process
  • Use the correct links in the about dialog

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