✨ Features
- Add ability to set the effective date for forward-only snapshots (#785) @izeigerman
🪲 Bug fixes
- For forward-only plans run backfill after promotion (#774) @izeigerman
- Display nodes more condensed, update connection on column name change (#781) @mykalmax
- Support dbt model jinja method, use dialect when parsing, catch duplicate key errors, and improve parse time for very large sql models (#782) @crericha
- When applying a forward-only plan in dev the backfill shoulde precede the promotion (#786) @izeigerman
- Handle no rows in versions table due to corruption @tobymao
- Flaky test with new sqlglot. @tobymao
🧹 Chore
- Upgrade to sqlglot 11.6 and clean up example project paths @tobymao
👽 Other
- Reset selected lineage columns on tab change (#772) @mykalmax
- Add Dataframe Merge Support (#770) @eakmanrq
- Remove self from depends_on (#773) @eakmanrq
- Use jinja2 loopcontrols extension (#776) @crericha
- Remove catalog/db from spark temp view (#777) @eakmanrq
- What does backfill mean? (#778) @foundinblank
- Modify quickstart project and add seed file (#779) @foundinblank
- Add model tags field (#775) @vchan
- Redshift config port can be a string in profiles.yml (#784) @crericha