✨ Features
- Adds support for macros in model_defaults and conditional properties (#3933) @themisvaltinos
- (dlt) Add support to override the dlt pipelines directory (#3984) @themisvaltinos
🪲 Bug fixes
- Fail the plan command if the selector expression doesn't return any models (#3968) @izeigerman
- Sqlmesh_tests package version (#3971) @erindru
- Direct breaking category should only impact direct children snapshot (#3975) @izeigerman
- Determine SnapshotTableInfo equality with fingerprint only (#3980) @treysp
- Resolution of this_model within macros of on_virtual_update (#3962) @themisvaltinos
- Handle duplicate model names across sql, python and external models (#3945) @lafirm
- Type inference for BQ engine adapter (#3981) @VaggelisD
- Rename slow -> cicd tests in circleci (#3985) @lafirm
🧹 Chore
- Move linter doc from concepts to guides (#3958) @treysp
- Fix linter guide nav (#3959) @treysp
- Remove private push snapshots on state sync (#3960) @eakmanrq
- Switch from setup.py to pyproject.toml (#3953) @erindru
- Fix links to linter guide (#3974) @treysp
- Bump sqlglot to v26.10.0 (#3986) @georgesittas
- Bump sqlglot to v26.10.1 (#3989) @georgesittas
👽 Other
- [DOCS]: Observe plan updates (#3911) @mesmith027
- [DOCS]: Observability Model Freshness updates (#3912) @mesmith027
- [DOCS]: Observer Run updates (#3919) @mesmith027
- Add nomissingaudits rule (#3967) @sungchun12
- Add docs editing HOWTO (#3973) @treysp