✨ Features
- Add support for audit formatting in sqlmesh format (#2893) @Themiscodes
- Support skipping columns from being matched in table diff (#2895) @georgesittas
- Support upstream/downstream git selector (#2905) @eakmanrq
- Support the strict mode when creating external models (#2904) @izeigerman
🪲 Bug fixes
- Allow mysql to not have default catalog behind (#2881) @eakmanrq
- Avoid type coercion when converting pandas dataframes to agate tables in the dbt adapter (#2897) @izeigerman
- Override python env's variables with unit test vars when present (#2898) @georgesittas
- Make sure that views are not recreated unnecessarily in the face of concurrent plan application (#2899) @izeigerman
- Using macros with IGNORE NULLS (#2903) @izeigerman
- Quote columns when getting column level lineage (#2907) @vchan
👽 Other
- Add description for the environment_catalog_mapping setting to the configuration reference (#2906) @izeigerman