github Thomas55555/husqvarna_automower 2023.8.0

latest releases: 2024.2.0, 2024.1.0, 2023.10.0...
15 months ago


What’s Changed

Breaking changes

  • Swap Camera for Image Entity (#512) @prairiesnpr
    The new image entity instead of the camera entity is used now. You have to delete the old camera entity
  • remove deprecated features (#511) @Thomas55555
    Home Assistant deprecated some features in the vacuum entity. So the following are not available anymore:
    vacuum.error (was actually never used), vacuum.battery (use the separate battery entity instead), vacuum.status (this was a dynamic text, which showed the status of the mower. It was quite useful to see, what the mower is doing right now. As this is gone, the problem sensor is more important now and is enabled by default. You can see there the reason why your mower is not mowing)

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