github ThemeFuse/Unyson v1.2.0

latest releases: v2.7.31, v2.7.30, v2.7.29...
9 years ago
  • Removed constants

Do not use the FW_* constants, they are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

Avoid constants

How to migrate from constants to functions:

  • Replace the FW_CT_* constants with the fw_get_stylesheet_customizations_directory() and fw_get_stylesheet_customizations_directory_uri() functions
  • Replace the FW_PT_* constants with the fw_get_template_customizations_directory() and fw_get_template_customizations_directory_uri()
  • Replace the FW_DIR, FW_EXTENSIONS_DIR, FW_URI, FW_EXTENSIONS_URI with the fw_get_framework_directory() and fw_get_framework_directory_uri()

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