github TandoorRecipes/recipes 1.5.14
1.5.14 Shopping

latest releases: 1.5.17, 1.5.16, 1.5.15...
4 months ago

🎉 Shopping List Update

  • New and improved UI
  • significantly improved offline/low network capabilities
  • Undo functionality
  • Configure what kind of information to show directly in the list
  • improved API performance
  • allow merging of supermarket categories
  • edit entries after they have been created

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • changed incorrectly named field ingredients_markdown on api /api/recipe/ was renamed to instructions_markdown
  • removed field ingredients_vue as it was identical to ingredients_markdown

Other Changes

  • added major improvements to the Open Data importer
    • fixed many broken import cases
    • select datatypes you want to import
    • import Unit base unit and PropertyType FDC ID's
    • set properties unit of foods to g by default
  • added ability to order recipes in books and set automatic ordering (thanks to @m7modSy #2810)
  • added connectors, a feature that will allow syncing of data to external services, for now shopping lists to Homeassistant (thanks to @Mikhail5555 #2874)
  • added support for getting ical data without specifying from/to date (default to from today and to anything in future) (thanks to @c0mputerguru #3004)
  • added custom css classes to many places so stylings can be overwritten in custom themes (thanks to @tomtjes #2941)
  • added ability to open recipes with pre set servings from meal plan (thanks to @patmagauran #2938)
  • added calculator utility to property editor to allow quick calculations
  • added devcontainer configuration so its easier to work on tandoor (thanks to @c0mputerguru #2987)
  • added ability to set the media root folder (thanks to @ambroisie #2931)
  • improved properties can now differentiate between unknown and 0 and show if recipes are missing something or just have ingredients with 0
  • improved recipes will show if properties have missing values
  • improved FDC import to set properties amount and unit according to FDC (100 g)
  • improved schema generation for openapi (thanks to @smilerz #2956) fixes #2945
  • improved paginate view and cook log tables (thanks to @smilerz #2974)
  • improved made keywords optional on recipe api endpoint (thanks to @smilerz #2968)
  • improved deprecated old unused code (thanks to @smilerz #2967)
  • fixed several issues with the open data import #2514
  • fixed multiple users of one space could not have the same meal types #1988
  • fixed migration 0200 duplicate detection not properly taking spaces into account #2926
  • fixed regex replace automation on food not running if there are no aliases #2927 (thanks to @smilerz #2937)
  • fixed multiple issues with space deletion #2816
  • fixed importer error in rezeptsuit importer #2505
  • fixed issue when importing urls with malformed serving size in nutritional data
  • fixed merging foods with unit conversions might break #2953
  • fixed unit edit not showing plural field
  • updated Django and several other dependencies

📖 Docs

  • added installation docs for ArchLinux (thanks to jdecourval #2983)
  • added test coverage reports (thanks to @smilerz #3016)
  • updated docs to include most recent pg version (thanks to software2000 #2932)
  • improved CI script to use caching and better display results (thanks to Mikhail5555 #2914)
  • improved authentication docs (thanks to jinnatar #2979)
  • fixed postgres update docs mv command for backup creation
  • fixed keycloak setup docs (thanks to maxemann96 #2948)

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