github Taiko2k/Tauon v5.5.0

latest releases: v7.8.0, v7.7.2b, v7.7.2-2...
4 years ago

I'm excited to bring you version 5.5.0 of Tauon Music box!

Main changes:

Two new themes


This update improves theming capability. To showcase this, two new themes have been added: Neon Love and Sunken.

Improved background style in showcase view.

Screenshot from 2020-04-23 16-44-39

Compositing in the "Showcase" view has been improved along with a new optional pattern overlay that can be shown over the background art (shown).

Improved tab system

Tabs are no longer truncated when there isn't enough room on the top panel. Now instead tabs spill into overflow menus, allowing you to access all your playlists without needing to open the playlist side panel.

The playlist side panel itself has been slightly simplified with the removal of the playlist pin toggle switches, which have replaced with a menu function. The previous lock indicator is now used to show if a playlist is pinned to the top panel.

New layout: Gallery Only

Screenshot from 2020-04-23 16-26-50

You can now switch to a gallery only layout that excludes the tracklist.

Hint: To toggle this Gallery Only view, once in gallery view, click the gallery layout button a second time.

Other changes

  • You can now search for playlists in the global search.
  • The left panel now has a mode for just showing the queue.
  • Its now possible to bind playlists 1-9 to keyboard shortcuts.

    Hint: If upgrading, you'll need to add these to your keymap file manually:

    jump-playlist-1 1 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-2 2 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-3 3 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-4 4 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-5 5 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-6 6 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-7 7 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-8 8 Ctrl
    jump-playlist-9 9 Ctrl

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